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Through the Smart Assistant Platform, HiPajak Offers a New Way to Understand and Manage Taxes

Target users from non-formal workers, such as freelancers, Youtubers, content creators and others

HiPajak was developed to become “one-app tax assistance” to assist users in recording, calculating, paying, reporting and consulting taxes. Available on website and app, this platform is technology based chatbot AI based. Despite being assisted by a robot, the resulting discussion is designed in a "layman's language style", with the hope that the user will quickly understand it.

Not without reason, the service was developed based on experience founder in tax administration. It is believed that a minimal understanding of taxes is also experienced by many people from various backgrounds.

“Starting from the experience of helping the family business, we experienced difficulties in taxation. The problem is quite trivial, due to the loss of proof of paying taxes so that they are subject to a fine, even though the payment has been made. From there I thought, how can the country progress if matters like this are not resolved? From there, the idea to develop HiTax,” explained HiPajak Co-Founder & CEO Tracy Tardia to DailySocial.

For usage, after users download and enter the application, they will be asked to answer several questions. Next, the system will analyze the tax position and provide recommendations on what needs to be done. Then the process of recording, calculating, paying and reporting can also be done in the HiPajak application.

"As one-app tax assistance, we provide administrative assistance such as filling out documents, consulting to tax planning. All consultant consultants are certified,” added Tracy.

Rely on business models and features

Founder fully aware, in Indonesia there are already several digital services that help users manage taxes. Just say it OnlineTax, KlikPajak, My Tax, MitraBijak, and others. Even today, there are still many tax consultants who run non-digital businesses, both for individuals and businesses.

For this reason, HiPajak relies on the business model and features of the application. Besides being designed as chatbot as the main differentiation, they also rely on the model freemium, there are free and paid plans. The automation applied is also expected to provide quick answers and recommendations to users. They also claim to be a relatively low cost service while still providing personalized recommendations to each user.

Since soft launch As of November 5, 2019, the HiPajak application has been used by around 500 users. Paid features that most users use today for tax consulting. Currently, his party is still in the process of applying to become an official partner of the Director General of Taxes.

“In the first quarter of this year, we focused on non-employee personal income taxes such as freelancer, Youtubers, SMEs, content creator and others. And we will campaign for the new #onejutaSPT. The next product development is to submit a PJAP to the DGT and develop features for corporate income tax and local taxes,” explained Tracy.

Besides Tracy, there are two people co-founder others in HiPajak, namely Sukmanegara (CTO) and Enda Nasution (CMO). In their debut, they are still doing business independently bootstrapped.

Digital tax services in Indonesia

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Included in the SaaS category, a platform that helps manage taxes has a very large market share in Indonesia. In addition to the large number of workers, there are approximately 31 million taxpayers every year, the government itself is working to maximize tax revenue.

Seeing these opportunities, digital players continue to develop strategies to win the market. Towards the end of 2018, OnlinePajak booked series B funding worth 379 billion Rupiah. The additional capital is intended to be used for the development of artificial intelligence-based features and blockchain.

Meanwhile, other services, KlikPajak, choose to consolidate with other SaaS startups, namely Talenta, Sleekr and Jurnal. Now formed Mekari, provide comprehensive services to help SMEs manage their business digitally.

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