1. Startups

Health and Wellness Startup Kaleidoscope for 2019

Starting to target the provision of technology to hospitals, clinics and corporations

Throughout this year, Indonesia was bustling with news about investment in startups targeting the health sector and the increasing number of services wellness.

Not only health services are trying tocater consumers directly, startups based on health technology are also starting to offer technology that can be used by hospitals, doctors, and clinics. This proves that technology has begun to be adopted by the health sector which is known to be the most difficult to implement.disrupt.

The emergence of service wellness

One of the services that has mushroomed in its presence throughout 2019 is the service of providing a choice of activities or sports activities. Concepts that promote partnerships and fitness center aggregators are offered by services such as The Fit Company, Classpass to R Fitness.

Last August 2019, The Fit Company launched an application called "Fitco" and is committed to creating an active and healthy lifestyle for all Indonesian people. The Fitco application is a superior product that allows people to easily access active and healthy lifestyle services. Meanwhile, after pocketing the Pre-Series A funding of Rp17,7 billion, R Fitness did a rebranding and offered three complete sports activity options for its users. Previously known as Ride, a wellness startup that provides fitness services, especially indoor cycling, has rebranded itself to become R Fitness.

Meanwhile, the platform from the United States "ClassPass" inaugurated their presence in Indonesia. To DailySocial, Country Manager of ClassPass Indonesia, Anjani Believe, revealed that the increasing interest of the citizens of the capital to care about sports and a healthy lifestyle, has made platforms like ClassPass starting to be in great demand at this time. ClassPass is a wellness platform from the United States, currently has 20 thousand partners globally.

Especially for supplements, Jovee become a newcomer offering supplement needs for millennial users. Jovee was founded by industry veteran, Natali Ardianto, who was previously the Co-Founder of Tiket.com.

The presence of various new health services

If in 2017-2018 many healthtech startups have sprung up that offer doctor consultation services (Telemedicine) and delivery of medicines directly to customers' homes, throughout 2019 more and more technology-based health services have emerged that offer a variety of new services, ranging from nurse services that can be ordered such as MHomecare to platforms that deliver curated health information and news HealthyQ.

Both services try tocater target market from various circles to be able to get health services to the desired health information.

Health services that are more focused on cosmetics or dental (dental) care are also starting to appear in Indonesia, initiated by local platforms Flat and a Singapore platform that is an alumni of the Surge Sequoia India program named Zenyum. In 2020, it is predicted that there will be more technology-based cosmetic health services.

Meanwhile, Grab through GrabHealth inaugurate health services with Good Doctor Technology Indonesia (a subsidiary of Ping An Good Doctor). President Grab Indonesia's Ridzki Kramadibrata said, GrabHealth is one of the fruits of investment Softbank $2 billion announced in July 2019 for Indonesia. The company believes that using the right technology can bring positive benefits to society.

There are four features presented, including health questions and answers with doctors, making appointments for face-to-face consultations with doctors, shopping for health and fitness products (Health Mall), and health and lifestyle content curated by a team of doctors. All of these features can be accessed free of charge, temporarily available in Jabodetabek, and will soon be rolled out to other cities within the operational scope Grab gradually.

Other services for hospitals and clinics

With strict regulations in the industry, not many healthtech startups are targeting hospital and clinic consumers. Supported by the Indonesian Doctors Association, this year several healtech startups are trying to accommodate these consumers. One of them is Medigo which offers j with clinics to provide an integrated health service management system and clinical digitization process through Smart Clinic. It is reported that IDI also intends to engage more investors to support clinics spread throughout Indonesia to adopt technology through partnerships.

While another unique feature is hospital reviews via Doctor.id. Through this feature, users will be able to provide opinions, criticisms, and customer satisfaction testimonials for the services of doctors, nurses, and the treatment process while in the hospital.

Services that are well known to the public, such as Halodoc and HealthReplies.com, continues to add new business lines, including targeting corporate consumers and increasing variety of services. The development of existing technology and business strategies proves that technology-based healthcare is gaining momentum this year.

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