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Get to know DLaundry, the services offered to its features

Get to know what DLaundry is and the services it offers to merchants and laundry service users.

Are you aware that digitalization has made things easier for the public and businesses in particular? Lots of solutions and conveniences have been created from here, one of which is business management services laundry from DLaundry. What is DLaundry?

DLaundry is one of many platformin digital which offers convenience in everyday life as well as for business owners. What is the solution given by DLaundry? If you're curious, let's see the full information below.

What is DLaundry?

DLaundry is platformin digital application-based services that offer B2C and B2B The B2B service that DLaundry provides is called DLaundry Merchant. While the B2C service from DLaundry is called Laundry Finder. 

Both services from DLaundry have been equipped with features that support search activities merchant laundry and business management laundry. For more information about the features, you can also get the information from this article.

dLaundry Merchant

DLaundry Merchant is a service business management laundry. This service can be used by business owners laundry or laundry merchant in managing their business from one dashboards DLaundry Merchant application. To create a DLaundry Merchant account, you can follow these steps:

  • Download and open the app D-Laundry Merchant.
  • Then, you will arrive at the page login. To register a new account, click Create Account Here.

  • Next, fill in the registration form with the requested information. Starting from the name, phone number, address Emailand Password.

  • If all the information has been filled in, click Registration.

  • After that, enter the verification code that has been sent to Email registered for the verification process.

  • Next, you will be directed to create o by filling in the relevant information o required.

  • Done. You can start managing your business laundry you with DLaundry.

Laundry Finder DLaundry

As the name suggests, Laundry Finder is presented to help service users laundry to make it easier to find and connect with merchantlaundry best and reliable. To start looking for services laundry best, don't forget to create an account first.

How to create an account for the Laundry Finder service is more or less the same as before. However, make sure you are not downloading the wrong app. For Laundry Finder, the application used is the DLaundry application and the following are the steps to register it:

  • Download and open the app DLaundry.
  • Just like before, you will enter the page login. Click Create Here to create a new account.

  • Then, enter your name, active phone number, Emailand Password. After that, click Registration.

  • Next, verify by entering the verification code that has been sent to Email registered.

  • Done. You have successfully created a DLaundry account and can start ordering services laundry.

Features of DLaundry Merchant

Has the main function to help business management laundry, then the features support all activities related to managing the business laundry. Among them are features digital cashier, production management, reports and more.

POS (Digital Cashier)

Fitur POS or digital cashier is a must-have feature for a company platformin digital to manage the business. With this feature, you can record business income and expenses digitally without having to use a book.

Other than that, invoice or a note for customers you can also send directly from the DLaundry application. Then, you can also receive various kinds payment in digital to make it easier for customers to make transactions in your business.

Production Management

The production management feature in DLaundry can help you monitor the customer's laundry process in real time real-time. This also includes recording the number of pieces of clothing for each customer, printing production notes, to courier management to send the results laundry clothes to customers.

Marketplace Laundry

Generally a business laundry only focus on offering its services to customers around the store environment. However, now you can expand your customer reach laundry you with features Marketplace from DLaundry. 

This feature brings your business together with customers who need your services. You can also receive orders directly from the app, put discount, to accept digital payments.


As the name suggests, features insight it gives insight interesting and accurate related to business development laundry You. Insight this is generated from sales data that you input or occur in your DLaundry business management app.

From insight what you earn, you can see flow business finance You, evaluate to improve customer service, the times when customers generally come, and much more.

Other Features

There are many more activities that you can do through dashboards DLaundry to manage business laundry You. Some of the other features are features employee management with absence, customer management, and delivery management.

DLaundry's Laundry Finder Features

After knowing the features of the DLaundry service for merchant, now is the time for you to know what features DLaundry has to offer for services laundry finder.

Order Service Laundry

The first feature of Laundry Finder DLaundry is a feature to order services laundry. You can see the list merchantslaundry and select and order services laundry according to your wishes.


Hassle shuttle clothes laundry? With the Laundry Finder service from DLaundry, you don't have to leave your house to drop off and pick up your clothes laundry. There is a shuttle feature that you can choose when ordering services laundry at DLaundry.

Various Payment Options

DLaundry provides various payment features to make it easier for you to order services laundry. You can make payments in cash, by transfer to a bank account, or e-wallet though. 

Discounts and Cashback

The last feature of Laundry Finder DLaundry is the discount feature and cashback who will make the order laundry You save more. With this feature, you can get discounted prices for services laundry that you ordered.

This is information about what DLaundry is, the services it offers, and the features provided for each service. DLaundry provides solutions for you business owners laundry to make it easier to manage your business, starting from financial records, monitor process laundry customers, to employee management.

In addition, DLaundry also allows service users to laundry to be able to find services laundry nearby is easier and ordering services laundry without having to leave the house. Interesting right?
