1. Startups

Ten Signs It's Time to Stop Working at a Startup

Starting from products that don't work well, CEOs who don't convince, and lack of financial transparency

The dynamics that occur at startup can sometimes make conditions unstable and even tend to end in failure. If this happens, it will certainly affect employees who have been contributing to the running of the business. The decision to stop as an employee at a startup, of course, becomes the main choice if several influencing aspects occur at a startup, this must be observed so that regrets do not occur in the future.

Article The following will explore 10 things to pay attention to when it's time to stop working at startup.

Financial and stock information is not transparent

When you decide to work at a startup, it's good to know information related to finance at a startup. Starting from stocks, equity and other things. That way you can find out how the startup's financial growth and long-term plans for the future are. If the company tends to hide this information, it is a sign that must be observed to immediately stop working at the startup.

Do a lot of fundraising

Another sign that must be observed is when startups often do fundraising. Ideally the fundraising process for the seed takes about 2 months, while Series A will take 3 to 5 months. When a company is finally "stuck" and ends up always doing fundraising, it means that the financial condition is unstable and the startup is at risk of running out of money.

Burn rate tall one

In the end, startups are founded to make a profit, be able to reach the next stage or scale up and a business model that is proven to be successful and attractive. If startups often carry out marketing activities, discounts, promos and others will cause high burn rate and are at risk for failure to thrive. This indicates that the startup is not able to run a business properly.

Organic user growth is declining

At the beginning of the business, many startups tend to acquire customers by using paid marketing methods or paid marketing. It is certain that the number of users will grow rapidly but in general it will not be able to survive and will result in a rapid decline when paid marketing is stopped. On the other hand startups fail to get organic users and tend to experience a decline. Pay attention to these signs to later become a good reason to stop working at startup.

Not taking advantage of feedback from customer

At the beginning of the business, it is an obligation to accommodate all feedback from customers and try to do trial and error on new products that have been launched, this ideally must be done by startups that have received stage funding. seed or Series A.

In this case, startup employees should already know what customers want and what features they will like.

The plan to make a profit is not clear

Most new startups say they don't think too much about profit first, and focus more on massive marketing. Ideally, when a startup is launched, it should have the right strategy to earn profit, gather users and market the product appropriately. If a startup is still running a business by relying on 'free' services accompanied by a lack of a good plan to make a profit, this is a good sign to leave work immediately.

Failed to make a working product

Products that work well and are liked by users will affect the success of a startup. If the startup where you are currently working is still having trouble making a good product that is in demand by the target user, it is certain that the startup will have difficulty developing.

Don't have a reliable team

To reduce the existing budget, startups then recruit employees who are less reliable or do not have good enough abilities related to the tasks assigned. In the end the product could not develop properly and hampered the business. A good startup is a startup that is able to create good collaboration between team members who each have more abilities so that the startup can develop.

Do not make changes and learn the latest technology

If you currently work as a team of engineers at a startup, it's good to always learn the latest information, technology and changes. Don't just rely on the knowledge and insight you currently have, and be reluctant to open up your horizons and look for up-to-date information. In the end, startups will try to find engineers who are adaptable, intelligent and have broad insight.

Not quite sure about the CEO

The CEO of a startup is generally a leader who has a clear vision and plan for the development of the startup. If the CEO of the startup you work for can't be a leader who is smart, responsible, and often does things that are not appropriate and tend to harm the company, it's a good idea to quit your job immediately, because it's certain that the CEO doesn't have enough ability to become a leader.