1. Startups

Otozilla Presents as a "Social Commerce" Platform for Automotive Products

Otozilla has secured pre-seed funding from several angel investors

Aims to expand education and awareness of the general public about the importance of maintaining personal vehicles that are used daily, the platform social commerce focused on automotive Autozilla launched. One of the focuses is facilitating the community.

To DailySocial.id, Otozilla Co-Founder & CEO Kenny Joseph said, Indonesia is currently the largest country that has a community of automotive lovers in Southeast Asia. Proving opportunities to accommodate their services and needs.

"Most of those who are members of the community are not only interested in one brand vehicles, but also want to expand networking. We hope that more information can be obtained, up to recommendations for workshops and other car and motorcycle maintenance needs," said Kenny.

In addition to the community, Otozilla also functions as a marketplace which offers opportunities for merchant to sell cars and motorcycles to other products and types of vehicle maintenance in one platform. Each seller is required to pay a premium membership fee, can take advantage of a platform that functions as social media, manage members to activate events for various automotive communities.

Even though it doesn't have a workshop partner yet merchant which are many in number, but Otozilla claims to have products that have been validated and guaranteed quality.

"For the community at this time, we don't charge a fee, so they are free to create a special page for each member in the community. We also provide an Organizational Management System that can be used by those who want to manage members and hold automotive activities at Otozilla," said Kenny. .

Unlike platforms like Carsome to OLX Cars, Otozilla wants to be a platform social commerce which provides a platform for all the activities of the automotive community in the country. A similar player that has previously offered a similar concept is Modification.com. Currently Otozilla has received funding pre seed of several angel investors.

"We were lucky enough to get angel investors who has a background for 20 years in the automotive world. This will help us to broaden our horizons and expand our network in the automotive world," said Kenny.

Launching the DASH software

To provide complete information about the condition of the driver's vehicle, Otozilla launched DASH. The hope is that it can provide solutions to help drivers understand better and also be assisted in car maintenance and driving safety.

By using the device (hardware) which can be purchased at various services E-commerce, will be able to obtain accurate information about the condition of private vehicles. All of this can be done by embedding software developed by Otozilla in each vehicle.

"Indonesia is a country that is quite lagging behind in this technology compared to other countries. In the future we want to develop this technology through integration with other services developed by ourselves or through partnerships with related parties," said Kenny.

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The subscription fee offered for DASH is around IDR 200 thousand (life time) for the initial version. For the next version Otozilla will charge a subscription fee for 6 to 12 months for subscribers. They are targeting to sell 2,5 million DASH units in 2022.

Otozilla also has plans to roll out features emergency in the form of a special button that can be accessed by the driver. It is planned that this feature will be launched in the third quarter of next year.

"We want more people in the future to understand and understand the condition of their cars and motorbikes. Not only automotive lovers, but the general public who don't really like automotive but often use their vehicles to provide comfort when driving," concluded Kenny.

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