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8 Ways to Increase Engagement on Instagram Quickly

Your Instagram account engagement is down? Follow these 8 best tips to get high engagement rates.

Engagement misses Instagram is something that is often used as a parameter of success social media marketing. According to Hootsuite, 1 billion people use Instagram every month. Because of this, raising engagement It is important to reach an audience.

If you are wondering, why engagement your Instagram account is declining, it could be caused by uninteresting content, use of hashtag perfunctory, or even content creation that is not based on proper audience research.

Well, this article will give you the 8 best ways to improve engagement on Instagram. However, before that, you must first know what it means and what it looks like engagement Good Instagram.

What is that Engagement rate Instagram?

Engagement misses Instagram is a parameter to measure the extent to which the audience interacts with the content created. Is it good or not? engagement itself seen from several relevant metrics such as the number of likes, comments, shares, saved, followers, mentions, direct messages, profile visits, branded hashtags, and much more.

Commitment A good Instagram is a good friend of the Instagram algorithm. More good engagement an account, the greater the potential for content to be seen by many people. So, engagement A good one is also important for increasing product sales.

What is it like engagement that good? According to some experts social media marketing, skala engagement good is in the range of 1%-5%. Meanwhile, the upload type with engagement rate the good one is carousel posts at 1,01%.

In Indonesia alone, on average engagement rate Instagram is 4,62% in 2018, of which accounts with 100k-200k followers memiliki rates highest. Hootsuite research does say, the more followers, getting smaller engagement owned rates.

In essence, there are many factors that influence engagement rates, not just quantity followers just. You need to optimize various metrics rather than focus on finding ways to improve followers on your Instagram account. On Instagram itself, the number saved is an important target of campaign which is executed.

How to Improve Commitment of Instagram

Understand the Audience and Observe Insights

Before making various attempts to raise engagement rate Instagram, you need to know the audience from your Instagram account. Audience means audience, listeners, viewers so in this case, audience is followers.

You don't need to see one by one the profiles that follow your Instagram account, but you can take advantage of the features insights, i.e. a set analytical tools Instagram defaults that can show demographics followers as well as the performance of a content.

In insights, you can see gender, age range, location, to time online (in hours and days) followers all at once reach, impression,profile views, and Insta story views. What is that reach, impression, and profile views, and Insta story views?

Reach is the total number of unique accounts that viewed your content, whereas impressions is the number of times your content appears, whether it's clicked or not. Temporary profile views is the total visits to your Instagram account, and Insta story views is the total viewing accounts Instastory.

By using insight you can understand, for example at what time followers actively playing Instagram. In addition, you can also evaluate which content with engagement good ones, so you can maximize your campaign ideas for better.

Diligent posting and Create Interesting Content

Next is diligent posts or upload content. According to Hootsuite, post updates from an account will affect the Instagram algorithm. Therefore, the intensity post will help you get engagement rate the good one.

However, don't make it too often post because it can be considered spam by followers. The key is, be consistent and regular. Arrange the right times so that followers can still enjoy your content while online.

However, diligent posts just isn't enough. You also have to create interesting content. It's useless if you consistently upload content but the existing content can't attract the attention of the audience?

There are many ways you can do to create interesting content. For example, by presenting visually easy information such as infographics, creating content that is relevant to the website trending topic later, and so on.

Most importantly, create content that is authentic and has appropriate characteristics brand. Besides this, it can attract the attention of the audience, content that has a characteristic will be easy to remember, of course this is also a distinct advantage for you Branding your business.

Upload Content on Busy Hours

This is a continuation of the previous tips, that to avoid spam content, you can make a regular schedule for uploading content. However, do not upload content at any time because it could be that the audience is not playing Instagram.

For matters of time, you need to consider internal and external analysis. Internally, you can take advantage of the time online from followers from insights to upload content. While externally, you can take advantage of general statistical data on Instagram usage.

According to Sproutsocial, the best days to upload content are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Specifically, the best times are Monday at 11 a.m., Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Thursday and Friday at 10 and 11 a.m. While Sunday is the worst day to upload content.

Create Video Content or Carousel Post

To create interesting content, you need a topic or content that engaging, alias invites the audience to interact with the content. In fact, content that can generate engagement The good thing is that it can make the audience linger on social media.

Therefore, you need a strategy, what kind of content can you achieve that goal. One way is to create content in the form of videos and carousel posts. Although in Hootsuite research video content has engagement low, but you can still “buy time” with your audience.

Moreover, Instagram now has features reels which can be used to upload TikTok-style video content. When people click on the music you use in your content reels, it's already counted to one reach.

Especially if the video is interesting to watch until the end. Don't forget to use effects, animations, scenes, and caption that appeal so that the audience spends more time on the content.

In addition to videos, uploads with the form carousel posts can also be used because he has engagement rate tall one. This type of content has the potential to be used to provoke the curiosity of the audience.

Therefore, this kind of content is necessary copywriting which is good for the audience to access the content up to slide final. You can use educational topics, how-tos, listicles, to points that begin with questions to spark discussion, such as "How does it feel to face" quarter life crises".

Use User-Friendly Captions and call-to-action (CTA)

In addition to interesting content, the delivery you use must also be able to invite the audience to interact. The trick is to use caption that user-friendly, such as formulating a familiar greeting for the audience from fire-you, rather than simply calling "you".

In addition to greetings, make sure you use interactive language. Imagine the content you create is a presentation material where people listen to what you have to say. In that condition, of course you will convey in a language that is easy to understand rather than simply conveying it verbally textbooks can?

Another way to make caption look interactive is to enter a sentence call-to-action (CTA). Simply put, a CTA is a sentence that invites the audience to do something. For example, 'See more', "Swipe up", and its kind. This CTA has the potential to increase traffic Instagram.

However, you need to be careful using CTAs. Formulate the CTA sentence that will be used, don't let the audience realize that the CTA sentence is clearly visible to attract engagement Make your CTA as creative and subtle as possible.

For example, by asking questions that are relevant to caption, “What would you do in such a position? Answer in the comments column, yes!” or by forward list di caption, to CTA to click link in bio.

Optimize Usage Instastory

Instastory or some people say snapgram is a feature that has the potential to attract engagement Apart from being diligent posts content, audiences usually judge the liveliness of an account by how often the account uploads Instastory.

Moreover, now there are many features Instastory that can be used, such as the question sticker, “which one do you prefer”, "ask me anything", to rating to an object or condition. Indirectly, you have invited the audience to discuss.

To be more interactive, you can answer and respond to the answers you have received and upload them back on Instastory. These processes all definitely improve engagement easily.

Use Hashtag which is relevant

One factor engagement down is usage hashtag reckless. So, apart from choosing hashtag that is currently popular on Instagram, you also need to pay attention to its relevance to the content you upload.

Use hashtag itself is believed to increase engagement rates. This is because on Instagram, you can follow a hashtag. More popular and relevant hashtag the one you use, the higher the chance that your content will be seen by more people.

This means, engagement what you get will also be high. Use hashtag relevant not only helps engagement but also keep you from shadow ban.

Interact with Audience

The last tip is to interact with the audience. What does it mean if you've asked a question via CTA but you don't get a response? What's the point if you ask a question at Instastory if you don't respond at story next?

Interacting with audiences is an important way to keep them going engaged or connect with your Instagram account. Answer audience comments and questions, reply to DMs and post on Instastory if it is relevant.

Those were 8 tips to improve engagement rate on Instagram. Apply these tips right now and don't waste time so that engagement Instagram is going up faster. Commitment going up also means good news for the team Sales no?

Image source headers: Unsplash
