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Twitter Vs Thread, Differences and Similarities You Should Know

Currently, social media has become a digital platform that is loved by many people, giving rise to several new features. Here are the differences and similarities regarding Twitter vs thread social media.

Today the use of social media is increasingly massive by internet network users. Social media is currently used as a medium for information seeking and Update on national and international news.

The rise of more and more social media also causes competition between businesses, each media develops its features. As this happens on the social media platforms Instagram and Facebook which bring up new features in the form of thread.

Thread has a meaning as a CPU unit that runs a task at a time so that the program can run. Whereas in social media, the term thread used to refer to a series tweet or tweets that have connection or continuity with each other.

Thread widely known and carried out on social media Twitter, where each account user can post an article and continue writing on it tweet next so that it will compose a long and complete story or review.

Some time ago Instagram also brought out a new feature with a name Threads, where account users can post tweet their privacy in this feature just like in social media twitter.

Differences Twitter Vs Threads

Following are the differences in the use of threads on social media Twitter Vs Thread:

  • Access Way 

Twitter social media users can immediately use threads directly on the Twitter platform, but can also create threads with access to services outside the main platform such as Hootsuite, TweetDeck and so on. Meanwhile, thread users can only access it by using the main platform on the Playstore or App store.

  • views and Verified

Twitter social media provides a thread service that can attach photos, gifs, links and videos in each tweet hers. To get a blue tick or verified twitter users also need to subscribe to Blue, every tweet will also display the number of times tweet have seen.

In contrast to threads where users cannot see how many followers have viewed tweet his, the blue tick is also obtained through the verification process. Threads can upload photos, videos, links but not gifs yet.

  • Use of Number of Characters

Twitter provides users without a blue tick with a maximum character length of 280 words, while those who subscribe can have a word count of up to 10.000. Threads generalize everything where each user can use up to 500 words.

  • Metric views 

Twitter provides a service for users to be able to see how many likes, retweet to views on every one tweet while threads do not exist.

  • Trending topic

Writing tweet  on twitter with the same word can be a trending topic in section trending for you because many are mentioned by twitter users, while the thread does not involve tweet user becomes trending topic.

Twitter Vs Threads in Common

Even so, Twitter and threads also have similarities in their use on social media, here are the similarities between Twitter vs threads:

  • Tweet Upload

Twitter and threads have similarities in providing a maximum limit or limit on the use of the number of words each time a tweet is made. Where twitter messages on regular accounts only reach 280 characters and threads reach 500 characters.

  • Text System

Twitter vs thread have similarities in what is posted, which is a text. Where this feature provides for the needs of users in sharing a short article on social media.

  • Privacy users

Twitter vs threads also delivers privacy for users, where there are settings whether the content created can be viewed by other people or not through features private.

  • Share accounts

Another similarity that both Twitter and thread have is the ability to share published content, where Twitter calls it retweet and the thread calls it a repost.

Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that twitter vs thread has many differences and similarities. There is clearly a slight difference in the use of features on social media Twitter and threads.

For social media users who want to see audience reactions or followers actively using twitter will be more suitable, because this social media is equipped with a number of features such as metrics views.

Whereas for social media users who want to post longer texts, it would be more suitable to use threads. Because this platform provides a maximum limit of up to 500 characters.

This is information about the differences and similarities between Twitter vs threads, along with recommendations for you social media users. Hopefully this information is useful.

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