1. Startups

Edtech Startup "Kiddu" Focuses on Self-Development and EQ of Children in the Golden Age

Designed with a fun gamification concept for children aged 4-8 years

Startups EdTech Kiddu officially opened its presence to the public on Thursday (1/12). This startup seeks to bridge parents and their children in meeting development needs skill EQ (emotional intelligence) and self-development (personnel development) which is very useful from early life to adulthood.

"Most EdTech focus on IQ which is closely related to ranking and so on. Not that this is wrong, but sometimes the most important thing once a child grows up is EQ and personnel development. Currently, this is still unheard of and has not been taught in schools," said Kiddu Co-founder and CEO Mel Bj during a virtual press conference.

According to Mel, mere academic intelligence (IQ) does not guarantee happiness and success in life, career, and relationships between people. This condition is experienced by adults currently in the midst of busy work, such as a lack of managing emotions, maintaining mental health, self-confidence, loving yourself, manner, and good communication skills.

"Especially in today's digital era, many children are used to playing with the internet and gadgets and are exposed to a lot of information every day. It is very important to equip them with mindset positive and critical thinking to protect them from bad information and make the right decisions for their own lives from childhood," he said.

Therefore, EQ is a determinant of children's character and behavior which actually has a very important impact on everyday life, but is still forgotten. In addition, there are no guidebooks or schools that teach how to be an extraordinary parent. Usually parents try to make the best of their experience of being raised by their parents since childhood. For parents, maybe that's enough.

However, there are also not a few parents who feel they are only using instinct, without really knowing how to teach their children the right way. skill life, such as how to control emotions, communicate appropriately, deal with conflict, and be more confident.

"So it needs to be taught from childhood, when their character and behavior are still in a period of formation, namely at the golden age (0-7 years). This is the right time to teach morals, ethics, emotions, self-confidence, discipline, and other EQ skills," said Mel.

Kiddu Co-founder and CMO Fanny Lara Ambadar added, "EQ and personnel development it's important because in times golden age, his brain was newly formed from the sides mindset. So consciously or subconsciously, this will happen inner child until he grows up, which self esteemand manner For example, it is very important to instill it from an early age."

Kiddu's Solution

According to Mel, Kiddu wants to be part of the EQ improvement and development action in Indonesian society, starting early. The solution that Kiddu offers is web app which can be accessed via browser on a smartphone or PC.

The application is specifically designed using the NLP method, Neuroscience & Cognitive Behavior Psychology, and is designed in a fun gamification form for children aged 4-8 years. The contents include animated videos, quizzes, drawing and coloring, and other play-while-learning methods. All of this content is still in Indonesian, but plans will be developed with English translations.

The learning process starts with watching fun videos that parents can choose from. After that, there will be quizzes that need to be completed, and finally, get fun challenges that can be downloaded and done at home. Parents will get a review of each lesson that has been taken related child development.

"Kiddu is not shifting the existing children's clinic, but as an addition to the activities of children at home who are exposed to gadgets every day. If the clinic does not study every day. But at Kiddu they can study every day with a maximum limit of two lessons a day," continued Fanny.

Currently, Kiddu's business model is to subscribe by selecting various duration options, from three months to a maximum of a year. The cost starts from Rp. 495 thousand for a three-month subscription to Rp. 1,18 million for a year's subscription.

Mel plans to make it easier for parents to introduce Kiddu to trial mode for 7 days or 14 days before deciding to subscribe in full. The Kiddu application itself has been released to the public as of (28/11), after carrying out various activities testing for three months by interviewing parents as respondents to ask for input.

"Our initial development was in web app, no mobile app. But there is indeed an agenda in 2023 Improve so that user experienceit can be improved. We also want to add more features know more for gamification and there is an agar community app this could be more ."

Not only improve awareness parents through the application, in the future Kiddu plans to collaborate with hundreds of schools in Jakarta and the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology, hooking up psychologists an influencer, and carry out offline activities by holding a Kiddu Offline Center to bring together communities and carry out joint activities related to improving children's EQ abilities.

According to Mel, so far the company is still in the stage product-market fit, looking for the right solution in the market while looking at whether the business model used is right or not, so they are not actively looking for fundraising from outside investors. "We open but not actively looking, yesterday there were investors who have contacted. There is a possibility of new needs around the middle or end of next year."