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Getting acquainted with "Brand Awareness", a Powerful Way to Get Recognition From Customers

How to increase brand awareness in online business?

Have you ever thought of something brand while listening tagline Or just look at the logo? Or mention a brand by name brand other? Like, calling toothpaste as Odol, or bottled mineral water as Aqua. If it's true, it looks like you already aware with the product.

Aware or aware that is when you know and remember something. This also applies to a brand, you know. When you can find out a brand only from jingle or just the logo, it means you already aware to brand The.

Technological developments can lead to new innovations and can be implemented into a business. Based on data released by GEM Global Report, 100 million businesses are launched every month, meaning that there are around 11 startups attending every hour. The large number shows the narrow competition and opportunities for startups to appear. Therefore, every company will compete for the hearts of their customers and potential customers. One way is to make potential customers aware to brand which is owned.

Brand Awareness

Aware or aware of a brand mentioned in the term "Brand Awareness” or awareness of a brand. brand awareness is the ability of a customer (or prospect) to remember (recognize recognize) or recognize (recall) a particular brand or a particular advertisement spontaneously or triggered by a keyword. Example, jingle, logo, or tagline of the brand.

brand awareness will also show customer knowledge of the existence of a brand.

Brand Awareness itself has several levels, starting from the very bottom (not realizing brand) to the highest level (Top of Mind). As for the level aware to a brand, namely:

1. Unware of Brands (not aware of the brand)

This is the lowest level where customers or potential customers are not aware of the brand.

2. Brand Recognition (brand recognition)

At this level, the customer is introduced to a brand and begin to realize after being given a trigger as a help (aided recall).

3. Brand Recalls (brand recall)

This level, the customer can remember a brand without help (unided recall).

4. Top of Mind (top of mind)

This level is the highest level in brand awareness. Customers will always remember a brand and brand the first to be mentioned is brand that is always remembered and is the main brand that is on the customer's mind.

The Role and Benefits of Brand Awareness

When the customer is aware (aware) against a brand then the customer will generate a sense of love and trust. Customers will usually buy or use a product that is already familiar to their ears.

The benefits of increasing Brand Awareness are:

1. Customers will remember brand

When a brand can reach brand awareness, then the customer will quickly find out brand the. Just see the logo, color, tagline, or listen brand jingles The.

2. Customer loyalty is getting higher

When a brand already reach Top of Mind, then the customer will prefer brand it is compared brand others, so that customers become more loyal.

3. Brand Awareness more than Word of Mouth

Promotion a brand or product via Word of Mouth can increase sales of a product, but when a brand has brand awareness, then it will be even better. Moment brand it is already in Top of Mind, then everyone already knows him. So, the company does not need to issue Yago's defensive effort bigger ones for promotion.

4. Advertising effectiveness becomes higher

When a brand creates a new product or creates an advertisement, customers will aware. Because brand If the product is strong and gets the hearts of customers, then customers will become interested in the advertised product.

5. Lower price sensitivity

When a brand already embedded in the minds and hearts of customers, they are happy to issue budget to buy products from brand the. They will not think about how expensive the product is. Thus, this will increase the sales of the brand.

Brand Awareness in Online Business

Besides being important for conventional businesses, brand awareness also needed in business online, you know. As a business person online, the use of the internet is one of the effective ways to increase brand awareness. In addition to promotion through social media, the use of SEO can be applied.

Some business online open their shop on social media, like Instagram or Facebook. To reach people's awareness of the store, the store owner must pay attention to the popularity of their store or product.

Popularity or popularity is a measure of whether a product or store can be recognized by many people. brand awareness and the popularity of the product or store are interrelated. When your products are known and realized by many people, then indirectly your products and stores will be popular and talked about by many people. Likewise, when your shop or product is popular, people will be aware of it brand you. To make your product or store popular, you can improve brand awareness.

How to Increase Brand Awareness

There are several ways to improve brand awareness, especially in business online, including:

1. Create Storytelling

Customers will love product marketing by using storytelling. People will love interesting stories. When hearing interesting stories, people will become curious about brand The.

2. Utilize SEO

By utilizing SEO, content created by these brands can get high rankings on search results pages such as on Google and Bing. If you want your product to be known to many people, then you can create content that is posted by paying attention to keywords that are often searched for.

3. Sponsor cooperation

Being a sponsor of an event can make people aware to brand the. Usually in a event, brand sponsors of the event will be mentioned continuously and displayed on the banner, background, posters, up to after movie event. This strategy can be one of the most effective strategies to increase brand awareness.

4. Social media branding

Brands can be active in promoting their products through social media. Continuing to post content related to the product can give an impression to people who are exposed to that content. The more often and regularly make posts, the awareness of people will be brand it gets higher.

5. Usage Influencer Marketing

From the previous DailySocial article regarding Get to know the “Influencer Marketing” Marketing Method, it is stated that the use of effective influencer marketing to increase brand awareness. Because an influencer is a trendsetter, then people and their followers will be attracted to the product being promoted. The level of trust of the followers an influencer The brand has a high value, so they will know and become customers of the brand.

That's the explanation of brand awareness, benefit brand awareness, and how to improve brand awareness. Various ways can be used to make people aware (aware) of the products and brands that we have. How about brand or your product? Already got aware from the customer?

Disclosure: This article was written by Masni Rahmawatti. S
