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Lilla by Sociolla Presents Applications, Helping Meet the Needs of Young Mothers in the Digital Age

Soon to launch "private label" covering a range of mother and child products

As a company engaged in the field of integrated beauty technology, Social Bella strengthened its presence by launching the Lilla by Sociolla application. After being officially introduced in mid-2020, this platform is transforming to present an ecosystem, a series of solutions, that answer all the needs of mothers and children in the digital era.

During the pandemic, the shift in consumer behavior patterns from offline ke online which is quite significant can be seen from the increasing trend of shopping for necessities online. These days, mothers are also increasingly digitally savvy and many use digital platforms to find various important information and fulfill their needs starting from pregnancy, to the delivery process, and continues to the stage of child development.

In one of the discussion forums that Lilla held with mothers, it turns out that the ease of information in the digital era also sometimes makes it difficult for mothers to find a complete digital platform and provide reliable and credible information about mothers and children.

General Manager of Lilla, Nurul Sulisto said, “The impact of this situation often makes mothers become overwhelmed when it comes to choosing the right and reliable information and products. Therefore, it is necessary to have an intelligent solution that is able to meet the needs and help facilitate the mother's journey, especially in the midst of the large flow of information and products that are not necessarily in accordance with the phase that the mother is going through".

Lilla strategically presents an ecosystem with an innovative approach that focuses on progressive mom because Lilla sees that it is mother who makes decisions in meeting the needs of herself and the baby. Thus, the new Lilla ecosystem comes with three main elements, namely technology, brand, and retail.

"We understand how important it is to have support system which are integrated with each other for the convenience of mothers in meeting all their needs, so Lilla has also developed this complete ecosystem by positioning mothers as the main focus for all of our innovation steps,” said Nurul.

This was also acknowledged by one of the health practitioners who also played a role in the process of validating information in the Lilla application, dr. Dinda Derdameisya, Sp.OG. She feels that mothers are increasingly critical and want quick information on questions about pregnancy, especially in this digital era. "These characteristics encourage them to seek as much information as possible to then be filtered with validation from doctors," he added.

Main features of the app

There are four main features in the Lilla application that are available on the platform, including; Easy Shopping which presents product and category recommendations that are tailored to the child's stage of growth and development. The available products have been curated which are of course quality, certified by BPOM, Ministry of Health and SNI, so they are guaranteed to be safe for mother and baby.

In addition, there is also a Motherhood Tracker feature, mothers can monitor the course of pregnancy, to observe every phase of child development. Then Personalized Experience to apply the concept of personalization in all features in the application. Finally, Learn from the Expert which contains reliable information on various topics of mothers and children, such as child development, pregnancy, to breastfeeding which has been validated by experts in their fields.

Develop O2O retail and private-label

In the future, Lilla is optimistic that it can reach 1 million users by the end of 2022 through the creation of a more complete shopping experience. Lilla plans to develop a retail outlet with the concept of omnichannel which combines integration online and offline. On the other hand Lilla will launch private-label to meet the needs of mothers and their children which will be launched in April. This is in line with the company's sustainable principles to help reduce waste.

Through the latest approach and the most complete digital ecosystem for mothers and children, Lilla is expected to be able to accompany mothers in all situations. “Lilla's goal is to make mother's journey easier so that she can enjoy special moments with her beloved child. In the future, Lilla wants to grow with her mother, become a trusted support system and best friend who is always there at every stage of her life and helps them enjoy their role as a mother in the best way, "said Nurul.

Similar services that have also been operating in Indonesia, including community digital platforms parenting, parentalk, which recently announced its business expansion by acquiring Good Enough Parents, a web-based educational platform for today's parents.

Ecosystem trade SocialBella

Initially, Lilla was part of Sociolla with a focus on fulfilling the beauty and self-care needs of mothers and their children. However, along with Lilla's journey, through observations and studies conducted on our mothers, we also understand the breadth of mothers' needs outside of self-care and beauty.

Currently Lilla is separated from Sociolla. Lilla stands as a separate business unit in the Social Bella ecosystem (the parent company of Sociolla and Lilla), a leading technology company in Indonesia that is oriented towards SHEconomy, which includes the needs of the mother and child market.

Launched in 2015, the Social Bella business evolved from the leading beauty and personal care e-commerce in Indonesia to a large-scale and sustainable ecosystem of online and offline beauty and self-care.

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In addition to Lilla, Social Bella has several business pillars that continue to grow and are estimated to have served the needs of around 42 million users during 2020. There are SOCO, a super beauty app that can help users enjoy a holistic beauty experience. Then BeautyJournal, online media for beauty and lifestyle with O2O marketing services from upstream to downstream.

Next up, there's Sociolla, E-commerce leading in Indonesia in the field of beauty and personal care which now also has an offline store with the concept of omnichannel. Lastly, Brand Development as a business unit that offers end-to-end distributor services for beauty and personal care brands, which are trusted by various leading international brand owners.

Social Bella has also been supported by leading local and global venture capitalists, including recent funding acquisitions worth 818 billion Rupiah or around $57 million led by L Catterton, an investment firm based in the United States. Indies Capital along with two previous investors, namely East Ventures and Jungle Ventures, were also involved in this funding.

Previously in mid-2020, Social Bella had just received funding worth $58 million from Temasek, Pavilion Capital, and Jungle Ventures. Recently the company is aggressively expanding its channels omnichannel by opening shops offline in various cities. Currently their B2C business "Sociolla" already has 21 stores in 9 cities in Indonesia and 1 store in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.

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