1. Startups

Want to Meet Startups with Global Investors, NextICorn International Summit Will Be Held

Initiated by Kominfo in collaboration with Amvesindo and Global Consulting Ernst & Young

Aiming to bring together Indonesian startups with global investors, the NextICorn International Summit will be held on 9-10 May 2018 in Bali. This event was initiated by Kominfo in collaboration with Amvesindo and Global Consulting Ernst & Young.

In the event, the organizers will invite global investors to attend and meet the selected startups. The Chief Coordinator of NextICorn Promotion Roadshow Calendar, Donald Wihardja, said that through this activity, it is hoped that this activity can further promote Indonesia as a country “digital paradise”.

"We introduce Indonesia as a digital paradise, the place is not only good but the government also welcomes it digitalinitiatives this. We, the people, have matured globally, and are proficient in using it fintech, applications, so as to create unicorn whose status is obtained only by customer in Indonesia," said Donald.

Donald added that this activity could be a good opportunity for startups that are currently entering the next funding stage and are still having trouble doing it fundraising, after obtaining pre-series A and series A funding.

Of the 70 selected startups, they will go through a curation process, based on the readiness of the startup regarding funding. The curation process was carried out by Kominfo in collaboration with Global Consulting Ernst & Young. The purpose of curation is to help startups compile a short, one-page resume with an overview and business model.

"We have arranged Compendium or booklet which contains information about the startup in accordance with the standard needs of investors. Information organized in compedium These include the business model, category, process, recent developments of the startup, financial condition, and future potential," said Deputy to the Chairman for NextIcorn Strategy Formulation Coordination Lis Sutjiati.

CEO of startup attended unicorn Indonesia

The event is planned to be attended by the founders of four startups unicorn in Indonesia. Among them are Nadiem Makarim (CEO & Founder of Go-Jek), Ferry Unardi (CEO & Co-Founder of Traveloka), William Tanuwijaya (CEO & Co-Founder of Tokopedia) and Achmad Zaky (CEO & Founder of Bukalapak). In front of other startup founders and investors, they will later give presentations and fill out Sharing session in the “Lane of Fame of Indonesian Unicorns.”

Other international speakers who are scheduled to attend the event include ASEAN E-Sports Pioneer Nick Nash and Eduardo Saverin, one of the founders of Facebook.

“This is a first in the world, there is a country that has a special program for collaboration of all the world's ecosystems to meet world VCs. It's still a long way to go, but when it's found, there will be a process. This is the government as an acceleration process so that world investors can spawn unicorns, meet with Indonesian startups,” said Lis Sutjiati.