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OCBC NISP Presents Branch Offices with "Hybrid" Concept, Focusing on Strengthening Financial Literacy

Surabaya became the first city because it has a high Human Development Index (HDI).

Digital banks have changed the national banking landscape, as seen from almost all banking applications that offer convenience and practicality in financial transactions, including transfers, investments, payments, all completed via smartphone. However, the trend of increasing financial transactions needs to be accompanied by good financial literacy or understanding.

Quoting from research results OCBC NISP The Financial Fitness Index shows that Indonesia's young generation is one of the lowest countries with a low financial literacy index with an average financial health of 37,72. This figure is much lower than Singapore which reached 61.

The research also shows, as many as 14,3% of young people who appear to be trying to be financially "healthy", but in fact their condition is still not ideal. This is partly due to their lack of proper understanding of how to manage finances.

To support this literacy improvement, Bank OCBC NISP launched the Financial Fitness Gym (FFG) from Nyala OCBC NISP. This is a form of branch office disruption by presenting the concept of hybrid, transformation of services for more creative and effective financial education and solutions with a conceptual approach gym objectively training and strengthening the financial muscles of the younger generation. The location of the first FFG is in Surabaya, to be precise, Ciputra World Mall.

FFG is designed to be a financial gym with experiential learning environment, in which the role of the branch office has beenupgrade not just for transactions, but to explore financial needs. Almost all activities at FFG will be guided digitally through ONe Mobile, an application from OCBC, from account opening, banking transactions, to investment.

“The high number of digital transactions must be supported by appropriate financial literacy so that the digital-based solutions offered do not encourage consumptive behavior, but encourage the formation of a financially healthy society.Financially Fit). With concept hybrid service, people will get interaction offline and online Thus, the delivery of education and financial solutions will be more effective,” said National Network Head of Bank OCBC NISP Jenny Hartanto, Friday (10/12).

Consumer experience when entering this branch office, starting from the Financial Check Up Spot to find out the point of financial problems and what solutions are needed. At this point, visitors need to fill out a number of survey questions related to their financial condition, investment, and lifestyle. After that, a final score will be given from each to get a person's overall financial picture.

"Just like entering the gym, before exercising, visitors will be measured how much" body weightand so on and asked what concern and their goal is to go to the gym. Because everyone has different problems and solutions. After that, visitors will be assisted by Nyala Buddy (as expert from OCBC) if you want to ask directly to expert-his."

Concept hybrid it combines service online and offline, starting from financial check up, personalized consultation through technology interactive touch screen, to financial education classes that can be followed directly online and offline on site lit room.

The objective to be targeted through the presence of this FFG is to help improve financial understanding (Knowledge), improve financial management habits (behavior), and straighten mindset in order to make the right financial decisionsattitude).

Jenny continued, the reason the company chose Surabaya as the first location for the FFG launch was because in this city a high Human Development Index (HDI) of 82,23 in 2020, a relatively low poverty rate, at 5%, and high economic growth. This achievement must be balanced with a good public understanding of financial management.

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The next city that FFG will visit is none other than a big city with a high HDI. One of them is Jakarta next year. "Unfortunately, the high HDI in Surabaya is not utilized optimally in improving its financial literacy."

The capability of digital services, both for individual and corporate customers at Bank OCBC NISP continues to receive a positive response. Although not detailed in more detail, until September 2021 the ONe Mobile service for individual customers experienced an increase in the number of transactions by 16%, the transaction value by 17%, and the number of users by 21% on a YOY basis. Meanwhile, service velocity@ocbcnisp for corporate customers, the transaction value increased by 69%, the number of transaction frequencies was 18%, and the number of users was 15% YOY.

“The increase in digital trends does not mean that it can immediately replace the essence human interaction, even the combination of the two can attract people for more aware on the importance of financial management. [..] As in FFG, the combination of the power of digital banking, interaction with coach Experienced and beautiful branch office designs make talking about financial management more interesting and fun,” concluded Jenny.

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