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See How Email Marketing Uses Increase During a Pandemic

Based on MTARGET data, there was a significant increase after entering the pandemic.


The COVID-19 pandemic is indeed an inevitable challenge for business people. According to Topfloor data, since the outbreak of this pandemic, 90% of businesses have experienced a decline in one month. In order to survive and adapt to this difficult situation, companies must inevitably adapt to a digital approach in their marketing efforts.

In addition, business people must also be able to carefully readjust their marketing budgets during the pandemic. Even though you have to think about many business factors, the marketing budget must still be managed properly so that brand continue to be able to maintain and develop awareness which can lead to increased sales.

To support this, companies must also choose channel effective and efficient marketing in terms of budget, one of which is email marketing. Channel This in itself is considered one of the channel marketing that will not dim. This is due to the use of Email which contains daily life, from work to entertainment, all need Email.

In fact, during this pandemic the use of email marketing continues to experience a surge in usage. This significant increase was also experienced by one of the platform providers email marketing, MTARGET. According to MTARGET data, there has been a 61% jump since the pandemic began to affect many business activities in early March.


Based on the above data, there is an increase in the use ofemail marketing which is quite significant occurred in August to July 2020 on the platform email marketing MTARGET. This data also shows that this increase also occurred significantly when entering the pandemic period, namely in March 2020.


In detail, delivery activities email marketing on the MTARGET platform during this pandemic also continues to increase. Delivery Email which began to decline until February, slowly continued to rise until last July. The data above shows that email marketingis seen and used by various companies to interact or improve awareness in times of pandemic. This is in line with the increasing intensity of use that occurred during this period.

To find out information about email marketing and features owned by MTARGET, please visit the following link.