1. Startups

9 Tips to Start Email Marketing for Business

help get new customers and keep old ones.

As a business actor, having return on investment (ROI) is high on various channel marketing can certainly help in increasing revenue for your business. However, if you just want to start planning marketing for your business, the thing to do is choose marketing channel right at the start, one of them by starting to use email marketing for your business.

According to data from Marketing Sherpa, 72% of people feel that promotional content obtained via email is better than social media. In addition, quoted from Campaign Monitor, email is 40 times more effective than Twitter and Facebook at changing audience used to be a customer. For that, utilizing email marketing will be able to help you get customers quickly at the start of your business. To find out more, here we present tips on starting email marketing for your business.

1. Choose an Email Marketing Service Provider

To start campaign by using email marketing, you must have an email marketing service provider that can be trusted and has track record good. One service provider email marketing automation tools which has various features to help you get started campaign Your email marketing is MTARGET. By using MTARGET, you can take advantage of various tools as landing page, transactional email, social media management, customer insight, A/B Testing, and other features to help your business marketing activities run more effectively.

2. Gather your email contact list

After having e-mail marketing tools, The next step that needs to be done is to collect the contacts to be emailed. There are many ways you can do to collect these contacts, one of them is by using lead magnet. Lead magnets is something that can be given to prospective customers to get the desired data.

For example, we can give ebook in the form of tips, tutorials, or insight that match the characteristics of our business and potential customers. That way, customers can be more interested in filling out the data needed to get information lead magnet that we offered earlier. In collecting this contact data, we strongly recommend never buying an email contact list, because the recipients may feel annoyed and actually do something wrong. report as spam to your e-mail.

3. Add a Contact List to Your Email Marketing Account

After collecting your email contact list, it's time to add the list to your account email marketing You. To get even better results, you can group the email list if possible. You can group them by demographics, interests, or where you get their contacts from. This will allow you to send emails according to the segmentation that has been created.

4. Prepare Welcome Email

Welcome e-mail is the first interaction your email subscribers will receive. Existence welcome email This is very important because it can serve as the first impression for your business in the eyes of those email subscribers. You can open it with a warm greeting, give them an idea of ​​what they'll get from following this email, and offer them something useful. Once created, welcome email can be sent to all new contacts automatically by using the service email marketing previously selected.

5. Create Email Templates

By making a Template email, you can continue to reuse Email previously created and delivered without the hassle of re-creating from scratch. make it template Attractive design and content tailored to your needs campaign You. In the MTARGET email marketing tools, there are various template provided and can be modified as needed.

6. Personalize Your Email

One way to make email marketing more interesting is to personalize the Email You. This personalization can make the recipients Email feel closer to your business. For example, you can add a name, companies, or other data you already have.

In one study, it was found that personalized emails had 29% of the numbers open rates and a 41% higher CTR. In addition, the same study also found that 35% of business people also said that more personal communication with customers has a significant revenue impact.

7. Send Test Emails Before You Send Them To Customers

Doing the test Email needed to help you see every detail there is. It also helps you to see what you're missing or forgot to add to Email which has been made. Apart from that, you also have the opportunity to check for spelling mistakes or other important mentions. In email marketing, you do not have the opportunity to cancel the email that was sent previously. For that, it is important that you submit a test in advance. You can send it to the internal office or the closest colleague who can help.

8. Send Your Email (At The Best Time)

One other important thing that needs to be considered when making a delivery Email is the delivery time. Each audience has a different habit of opening Email, for that you need to know the best time to send email marketing You. One way to do this is to do A/B Testing. In addition, you also need to have consistency in sending emails, not too often, and also every time Email not too far away for delivery. This needs to be done so that the audience can recognize and get used to it faster Email sent.

9. Monitor Your Email Marketing Report

Delivery activity email marketing it doesn't actually stop when you're done emailing your audience. The next step that must be done is to carry out monitoring report from Email sent. You can check statistics sent rate, open rate, CTR, unopened rate, unsubscribe, bounce rate, etc. After that, analyze report that you have to evaluate the email campaigns You.

Planning email marketing A good one can help you gain new customers and keep existing ones from taking advantage of the products and services your business provides. One of the email marketing service providers that can help you maximize your marketing activities is MTARGET. If you are interested in trying the features provided by MTARGET, please register yourself via the following link.

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