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How to Register an XL Card, Easy and Fast 2023

Here are several ways to register XL cards for both old and new users.

Since 2018, the government through the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) has made it mandatory to register a SIM card using an identity number. This registration is carried out with the aim of protecting telecommunication service customers against criminal acts and acts of abuse by irresponsible parties.

It is hoped that with this registration, various crimes, both acts of terrorism and online fraud mode, can be minimized. In addition, this registration also aims to facilitate the government in distributing aid funds to customers.

So, this time DailySocialid will provide several ways to register XL cards easily and quickly.

XL Card Registration Requirements

Before registering, you need to prepare a number of requirements related to your data.

XL card registration requirements for Indonesian Citizens (WNI):

  1. Population Identification Number (NIK)
  2. Family card

XL card registration requirements for Foreign Citizens (WNA):

  1. Passport
  2. Permanent Stay Permit Card (KITAP)

XL Card Registration Method

How to Register XL Card for New Users via SMS

For new users, here are some steps for XL card registration.

  1. Open the SMS menu in handphone-your.
  2. Type REGISTER#(NIK)#(Family Card Number)#.
  3. send to 4444.
  4. Your data will be validated and wait until the registration process is complete.

How to Register XL Card via Website

Apart from via SMS, you can also register via the website. The trick is as follows.

  1. Go to site www.xlaxiata.co.id/registration di browser-your.
  2. Click Pilih on the menu Using OTP.
  3. Enter your XL, NIK, and KK numbers.
  4. Click Get Code.
  5. Wait until XL Axiata sends you the OTP code, then enter the code.
  6. Checklist options I am not robot.
  7. Click Register.
  8. Wait until your data validation and registration process is complete.

Apart from the method above, you can also register your card using the PUK number located on your SIM card. The method is almost the same as above, but you need to select an option Using PUK Number and enter the last 8 digits of the PUK number from your SIM card.

How to Register XL Card for Old Customers

For old customers, here are the steps for registering your XL card.

  1. Open the SMS menu in handphone-your.
  2. Type ULANG#(NIK)#(Family Card Number)#.
  3. send to 4444.
  4. Wait until the data validation and registration process is complete.

So, those are some ways to register XL cards that you can do, both for new customers and old customers. Good luck!
