1. Startups

getKupon Wants to Facilitate Coupon Purchase Using NFT and Blockchain

Planning to complete a pre-seed fundraiser for the second half of this year

Aims to provide new options through technology blockchain and NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens), a platform that provides coupons and voucher digital name called getKupon officially launched in Indonesia. Founded by Arlinda Juwitasari, Reza Primasatya, Puja Arsana Sujana, and Septiyan Andika, the platform offers NFT in the form of coupons or voucher which are made merchant.

To DailySocial.id, Co-founder getCoupon Arlinda Juwitasari revealed that the platform wants to offer a decent selection of services and products mainstream. Starting from buying coffee on the network coffee shop, tattoo artist, and much more.

Although currently NFT is still largely dominated by Gamers and other related industries, through getKupon they want to offer new users new choices, transactions are safe, convenient and easy to use cryptocurrencies.

Want to develop IDR payment options

For now, getKupon still uses the United States Dollar Tether (USDT) option to make transactions. The process mentioned by Arlinda is indeed quite difficult for users, especially new users. But next month they have plans to launch the IDR option.

The way it works is also easy, by accessing the getKupon platform, users can choose to choose coupons and make transactions. Process redeem What you can do is simply scan the QR Code on the website merchant outlets. With coupons in the form of NFT, transactions between merchant and users are also more accurate and faster because they are validated by Smart contract.

"Everything has been adjusted to Smart contract, later blockchain will provide a notification of a successful transaction. All of these processes are fairly quick and easy, only about 15 seconds," said Arlinda.

To facilitate the transaction process, users can also connect wallet them each with a getCoupon. In this case getKupon does not limit wallet what types or types can be integrated with the platform. Recorded wallet such as Metamask and Transwallet which are widely used by users on getKupon.

For merchants themselves, all of these processes can make it easier for them, especially if the merchant has more than one outlet. All transaction processes are carried out separately, based on transactions at each outlet. Merchants who have joined getKupon at this time are Kopi Oey and Damantraz Tattoo Studio.

Currently, many business owners are also interested in implementing blockchain technology into their business. However, many of them still find it difficult to get access to the option to integrate these technologies into their business.

"In the future, we will also add options merchant others, not just F&B and tattoo artists only, but also fashion, platform ticketing for online events/offline. and many more," said getKupon Co-founder Reza Primasatya.

For users who have purchased a coupon but haven't used it yet, getKupon also offers a refund in the form of cashback ke wallet they. So no coupons are forfeited as is the case with conventional coupons.

The monetization strategy implemented by getKupon is revenue sharing with merchant of every coupon in redeem and cashback of expired coupons.

Fundraising plan pre seed

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GetKupon is currently exploring the stages of the fundraising process pre seed. Arlinda was reluctant to mention further who the investors involved in this round of funding were. However, if it goes according to plan, the fundraising will be final in the second quarter of this year. If later fresh funds have been pocketed, getKupon wants to acquire more merchant, users and develop relevant products for users and merchants.

To expand the existing ecosystem, getKupon also wants to collaborate more widely with merchants, blockchain players and players to other related parties. So that they can grow together offering the application of blockchain and NFT technology to the general public.

"Education to users is still a challenge that we face. For that we want to focus on carrying out this activity, so that more users understand the process of buying coupons using blockchain and NFT technology in getKupon," said Arlinda.