1. Startups

Freeware Spaces "Rebranding" Becomes Wellspaces.co, Offers More Diverse Services

Presenting wellkitchen facilities for F&B startups, to complete co-living facilities

After presenting the service co-working space since 2012, Freeware Spaces grudge rebranding with the new name and concept being Wellspaces.co. Process rebranding this is claimed to have been running for several months. Supported by new services for startups to corporations, Wellspaces.co is expected to be able to provide integrated facilities that are more than just co-working space and service office normal.

New service for startup

Not much different from the initial concept, the business founded by Aryo Ariotedjo still provides co-working space and service office for startups. In addition, Wellspaces.co also presents lodging, offices and special kitchens for startups targeting the culinary sector called Wellkitchen.

To DailySocial Wellspaces.co CMO Fritz Aradhana Dylan Prabawa revealed, this new concept was deliberately presented tocater related startups to improve their business.

"F&B industry itself stretches very fast now and our people's lifestyle to try new menus is also starting to become a trend. While many founders of F&B startups usually invest a lot upfront. Because not only offices but they also have to invest in tools and material storage areas," said Fritz.

With Wellkitchen, related startups will be able to take advantage of kitchen facilities to create products before they are offered to target users.

Besides Wellkitchen, Wellspaces.co also provides other services such as Workwell, Wellsociety, Wellconnected, Welldefense, Movewell, Dwell and Wellhouse. For Dwell himself, Wellspaces.co has a conceptco-livingwhich is currently being developed by many services co-working space in Indonesia. Utilizing existing space, Wellspaces.co tries to provide accommodation for founders and startup teams.

"Basically Dwell that co-living as boarding house that we know, but are well managed and curated by the communities that live in them, so that there is a more lively interaction, not just going home to sleep and then going to work," said Fritz.

Wellspaces.co is also trying to create a program to bring the members who live in it closer together. This concept was previously introduced by Wellspaces.co under the name The Stay Antasari 27. This facility is of course presented to support Wellhouse, the difference with Wellhouse is more in utility.

"If Dwell was like boarding house (co-living), if Wellhouse is a house or establishment which we focus on are filled by tenants who have active lifestyle. So in it there will be a yoga class, class dance, jiu jitsu classes, and others focused on well-being, said Fritz.

Wellspaces.co targets and focus

Overall facilities that can be enjoyed from Wellspaces.co are Workwell, Dwell, Wellkitchen and Welldefense. To date Wellspaces.co has about 400 tenant with around 300 active users. Not only in Jakarta and its surroundings, Wellspaces.co has also been present in Medan.

Realizing that currently there are many needs from related industries, not only for offices, but also lodging and other ease of work processes, it is hoped that Wellspaces.co can be an option for startups who want to simplify and develop their business.

In addition to intensively holding activities that help the startup community in Indonesia, Wellspaces.co also claims to have helped around 400 entrepreneur. Startups that are alumni of Wellspaces.co include eFishery, Kulina, Telunjuk, Bukalapak, Kumparan, Fabelio, Ralali and many more.