1. Startups

Alodokter Announces Series C+ Funding from MDI Ventures and Several Investors

Series C funding of $33 million raised in October 2019

Alodokter announced that it has received funding from a number of investors, including MDI Ventures, Sequis, Golden Gate Ventures, Heritas, and Hera Capital. No mention of the nominal details obtained. This is an extension of the series C round that has been announced since October 2019 (otherwise known as the C+ series). At that time, startups healthtech which Nathanael Faibis and Suci Arumsari founded managed to book a fund of $ 33 million or around Rp. 468 billion.

Platform HealthReplies.com consists of several features. Starting from information and health question-and-answer forums, doctor search channels, chat doctors, health insurance, and drug purchasing services. For insurance, they work closely with Sequis which also contributed to this investment; while for the drug purchase feature, we cooperate with Century Pharmacy and Generic Pharmacy. These various features can be accessed through the application mobile devices and/or website.

From the release we received, the company claims to have connected more than 30 doctors and 1500 hospitals/health clinics in Indonesia. Meanwhile, consumer applications have been downloaded by more than 5 million users. In terms of service usage statistics, one of which is Similarweb, Alodokter does tend to be superior to several other players for access to sites and applications.

Rivals, that is Halodoc have another strategy, namely by integration. One of them works with Gojek to present GoMed service in app ride hailing the. Apart from targeting consumers, Halodoc also serves business customers. Then, besides that, there are several other services that continue to speed up business amidst the "momentum" of the pandemic, one of which is Medigo.

The entry of MDI into the ranks shareholders will open opportunities for collaboration between Alodokter and companies in the BUMN scope. This was emphasized by the CEO of MDI Ventures Donald Widjaja, "As part of the CVC Telkom Group, MDI always sees our role as a bridge to bring innovation from startups to partner and grow with Telkom."

In a previous interview with Donald It was also stated that so far, MDI has managed to book up to $790 million in managed funds (equivalent to 11,6 trillion Rupiah) -- becoming the largest CVC managed fund, not only in Indonesia but also in Southeast Asia. One implication is that MDI has the task of bringing innovative partnerships from startups to other state-owned companies.

"This funding brings together Telkom's public service mission for the Indonesian people and Alodokter's business approach to support general health care. The funds will be used to increase our ability to meet the expectations of Indonesian users and improve our digital health platform to make it more robust, accessible and affordable," said President Director Alodokter Suci Arumsari.

Based on various research results, healthtech It is indeed one of the business models that investors are currently paying attention to. The pandemic has provided exponential growth for these services, not only in Indonesia, but also in Southeast Asia -- one of which is validated by a recent report by Google, Temasek, and Bain & Company in e-Conomy SEA 2020.

More Coverage:

Several digital health services have been validated, both targeting consumers and businesses. This includes online consultations (telemedicine), health information systems, health and wellness market workshops, drug ordering services (e-pharmacy), to the doctor's appointment booking system.

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