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7 Youtube Content Ideas for Beginners, Can Be for Content Creators and Businesses

Want to start a YouTube channel? Let's take a look at some interesting YouTube content ideas that you can easily create.

Sebagai content creator, you are required to always present content for users Subscribers You. However, creating content is not easy. Especially if you are a beginner YouTuber who doesn't have many content ideas for channel your YouTube.

But don't worry. This article will share some content ideas that are suitable for beginner YouTubers or those of you who want to try promote products through YouTube.

Easy-to-Work YouTube Content Ideas

YouTube is search engine platforms second one that has many users after YouTube. No wonder many are interested in starting make money from YouTube or make YouTube platform promotion of a business or product.

If you are interested in starting to create content on YouTube, here are some light but interesting content ideas that you can create to get started on YouTube channel You.


YouTube is the main place that many people go to find tutorial videos. Starting from computer tutorials, internet, cooking to cutting vegetables tutorials.

In addition to being sought after, tutorial content is also easy for beginners to work on who are not used to making videos on YouTube. You can make video tutorials according to your interests, abilities, themes channel YouTube, or tutorials on using your business products.

Video Blogging (vlogs)

The next content idea is video blogging or what is often called a Vlog. This form of vlog content is a video that shows your daily activities. This type of content is also popular and liked by many hearings, because audience can know how the daily life of point of view others.

In addition to showing your daily life, you can also provide some information about the activities you do or things you encounter so that you can become a insights for viewers.

If YouTube channel You are YouTube channel In business, you can invite the audience to see how the situation in your production house or shop is on a daily basis.


Next, you can also try creating content review. Content review this can be review products, films, books and more. You can provide information about the advantages and disadvantages of the item, film, or book.

This type of content is also very suitable for affiliate marketers to promote a product and invite viewers to buy it through affiliate link which you can include in the description.

reaction video

As the name suggests, reaction videos basically video content where you react to or comment on other people's videos. These videos can be videos of other YouTubers, clips, funny videos on TikTok, or videos recorded from an event.

Tips and tricks

If you are a expert in a field, master a field, or have experience that can be shared with an audience, then you can create content that contains tips, tricks, or sharing knowledge.

Although the concept of this video is sharing where you will talk throughout the video, but don't forget to keep it interesting and entertaining. You can also add subtitle just in case your voice is not very audible.

Opinion Videos

This content idea is quite similar to the previous one. The difference is that in this type of video content you give your opinion on something, but it is still accompanied by facts that you can look for beforehand.

This type of content can also attract a large audience and you can also increase engagement by inviting viewers to share their opinion.


Collaboration is a content idea that is actually quite difficult to create if you are a content creator beginners who have not established relationships with other YouTubers.

However, if you have friends who are also YouTubers, then you can try this collaborative content idea. You can create content challenges or combine YouTube themes channel you and your friends.

This content idea is also perfect for promoting a business through YouTube. You can collaborate with well-known YouTubers to introduce your business to more people.

Well, those are 7 YouTube content ideas that are suitable for those of you who are still beginners in creating video content. Whatever type of content you create, make sure the video content can entertain and provide more information to viewers. Good luck!

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