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These 5 YouTube Short Content Ideas Are Simple and Get More Viewers

YouTube is a very feature-packed video sharing platform. A very popular feature is YouTube Shorts, which allows users to share short video content that is between 15 seconds and 60 minutes long. 

Many new YouTubers wonder how to find interesting short YouTube content ideas to get lots of views.

Generating ideas is not easy, especially for YouTuber short video ideas that must be interesting to the audience. In fact, there are lots of short video ideas that you can try to make them cooler.

One of the YouTube Shorts challenges is to create an engaging 60-second video.

Don't be confused, we have to plan carefully to make the video. Here's a summary below!

1. Viral Video Content

You can upload short videos on YouTube about the latest trends that are happening or being discussed publicly. Therefore, it is very likely that a short YouTube video will be watched by a large number of viewers.

To find out which topics are currently viral, you can ask various viral content and see which conversations can be turned into video content. You can also look for it in the comments for other YouTube short films.

2. Video Tutorials

The next YouTube Short content idea that you can apply is to make video tutorials. This is a type of video that contains step-by-step instructions or instructions on how to perform an action or use a particular product.

Video tutorials are a viable content idea because many viewers prefer information to video concepts. Even if you are a business owner or entrepreneur, these videos can be a great strategy to promote your products and improve customer experience.

3. Life hack videos

The life hack theme is somewhat similar to the tutorial. In reality, his life videos are more flexible, random, and sometimes involve methods of doing weird and ridiculous things.

Apart from teaching how to fix things with used tools, attaching balloons like locks, crafts but also strange things like conquering exes, how to sleep in class without being caught and so on.

4. Short Reviews

Unlike long reviews on YouTube, you can create a short review for your YouTube.

You can put these types of videos as content ideas in YouTube Shorts in less time. In this video, you briefly explain everything, whether it's about food, tourist attractions, mini markets, products or other things you like.

5. Behind The Scene Videos

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Another interesting idea for YouTube Shorts content is Behind the Scenes Videos (BTS) which usually always have a high number of views. This BTS video is suitable for those of you who have their own business or product.

This is because you can use this video content to educate viewers about how your product works. product reaches the hands of the buyer. This allows you to capture the interest and emotions of your viewers in no time.

So, those are 5 ideas for short YouTube video content that you can try. Hope it is useful.

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