1. Startups

"On-Demand" Health Worker Service Innovation from HealthPro

HealthPro already has 6 thousand medical staff partners; Serving the fulfillment of medical personnel for health institutions and individuals

Starting from the profession and background of Vika Rachma Sari and Rendy Alfuadi (co-founder) In the world of health, digital innovation was born which aims to empower health workers or nurses. The service is called HealthPro.

After being selected as the startup program Accelerating Asia Cohort 7, HealthPro has a number of plans to grow their business. To DailySocial.id, Rendy conveyed the strategy that will be intensified in the future.

Digitization of ordering health workers

The high demand from individuals and clinics/hospitals for nurses or health workers has not been accompanied by opportunities for the medical workers themselves to get jobs.

According to Rendy, based on existing experience, many health workers are looking for work or looking for additional income. On the other hand, health facilities such as hospitals, clinics, labs, and others are still having difficulty getting and quickly finding health workers who meet their criteria. The search process is still done manually.

"In addition, the patient's need for home care is also increasing. Due to these phenomena and problems, my colleagues and I launched HealthPro, online platform to get health workers on demand quality ones."

In particular HealthPro focuses on helping all healthcare facilities. So far, the company has noted that the demand from individuals to health services is still quite balanced.

"But for individuals, HealthPro also helps health services to place these orders. For example for homecare, individuals can order directly to hospitals or clinics, then HealthPro will help with these health services by providing the needed health workers,"

By targeting the B2B and B2B2C segments, the monetization strategy launched by HealthPro is to take margin from each transaction for utilizing health workers. on-demand.

Apart from the Jabodetabek area, since launching in June this year, HealthPro has also served other areas such as Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya and Medan. Currently the service can be ordered via website. But the company is developing an application that is planned to be launched in the near future.

Health workers on-demand

HealthPro carries health workers on-demand, thus enabling workers to choose the type of work or earn additional income anytime and anywhere. The flexible duration in choosing a job depends on the wishes of the health workers themselves. The existence of this makes health workers able to work by implementing work life balance so as to minimize it burnout.

Regarding how it works, when health care facilities need health workers, then they can Submit to the HealthPro system. After that the platform will provide recommendations for health workers eligible. In this system, users can also monitor the performance of health workers while working.

"Today, partners who are members of HealthPro have more than 6 health workers, so that health facilities can freely choose the appropriate health worker."

Asked about what differentiates HealthPro from similar services which are currently widely available, Rendy emphasized that HealthPro is the first and major players in Indonesia. Besides HealthPro platforms that offer similar services among others lovecare, my nurseand MHomecare.

HealthPro doesn't just focus on homecare only, but also can provide energy by working short time period. For example there is gap shifts in a health facility when the number of patients suddenly increases or when a health worker is sick/on leave, without having to do so double shifts to other health workers which causes a lot burnout to health workers in Indonesia.

"In addition, with the system owned by HealthPro, any health care facility can provide treatment services homecare without experiencing heavy operations, because HealthPro helps services homecare in a manner end-to-end."

Follow-up fundraising

After being selected as a participant in Accelerating Asia and receiving pre-initial funding, the company still has several plans to launch. Among them is developing a business that is currently running.

Previously, HealthPro was also part of the program Indonesian Antler and took part in Demo Day activities last September.

"Thanks to the support of Accelerating Asia, HealthPro has a lot Opportunity get network, mentors to investors. Of course HealthPro will open the next stage of fundraising. If you are interested and want to know more, please contact us immediately."