1. Startups

Exploring Rukita's Strategy and Innovation in Efforts to Lead the Indonesian Proptech Market

According to the CTO, technological innovation is crucial for Rukita to show her fangs in the technology property industry.

As one of the industrial sectors affected by the pandemic, the property industry is claimed to be a sector whose recovery is quite significant. In it, a number of platform providers property technology (proptech) is also stated to be preparing to go faster and compete in winning the market. The rapid flow of competition in this industry certainly encourages the players to continue to be consistent in innovating in presenting products and services that answer the needs of the property market.

Rukita, which is known as a long-term residential rental provider platform, is one of the startups proptech which caught our attention. Its rapid growth among he is still quite young, making Rukita worthy of consideration in the search for potential industry leaders proptech Indonesia in the future. To find out more, DailySocial.id had a chance to talk with Xu-Zonne Ho, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Rukita about Rukita's strategy to compete and win the market through technological innovation. Like what?

Technological evolution in improvising experiences in the property industry ecosystem.

As a leader in the company's technology department, Xu has an interesting insight into why technological evolution can offer solutions, while enhancing the experience of market players in the property industry. He believes that the implementation of scientific and technological advances for the property industry is very complex. Starting from mapping technology, data science, AI, Virtual Reality, to Internet-of-Things (IoT) is entirely presented to not only answer problems, but also improve the experience for market participants.

Xu added that the use of modern technology for the property industry is also increasingly relevant to the current situation. “Now even your prospective buyers don't have to come to the location to see firsthand the state of the property. You only need to put on a VR headset to see even the interior design of the building and at the same time you can visualize your project in the future," said the man who is familiarly called Xu to DailySocial.id.

Through consistent technology development, Rukita offers a comprehensive solution for the long-term residential rental market.

Xu admitted, Rukita is currently focused on many things. One of the focuses is on how the development of Rukita's technology products is able to improve the experience of economic actors in its ecosystem, from consumers (tenants), property agents, to partners or partners. Talking about partners, Rukita's business actually depends on the acquisition, because the technology products offered by Rukita are also presented as property management which is believed to be able to accelerate partners in managing operations.

“So what we've done so far is property management, the entire management process is all digitized such as rental payments to reporting from operations. For example, if you are a boarding house owner, you can find out how much rent you will get this month, next month, or even next week,” he explained.

Technology also has a crucial role to business development Rukita.

Xu explained that 80% of the sales process at Rukita is run digitally. Starting from the needs of sales, bookings, and so on, it can be solved well through the technology developed by Xu and his team in streamlining processes that were still done manually.

He gave an example, technology is very helpful to streamline the process in managing thousands of sales inquiries every day. Another technology implementation that is no less crucial in keeping Rukita's business engine running is claimed by Xu through technology solutions for Rukita's business partners.

“For our property partners, they can access real-time, important information through our mobile apps (products). Currently we have a special application that is deliberately intended for property owners. If in the past they were required to call or email to just ask for a monthly report, now they can directly monitor their performance in real time. In essence, technology really helps us to make the scale-up bigger, and also helps us organize everything with all stakeholders, both with tenants and property partners," added Xu.

Rukita's plan to lead the market proptech homeland.

Xu admitted, as a platform for providing long-term residential rentals, Rukita's contribution to the property industry in the country has not yet led to accommodating the needs of the proptech industry as a whole. However, he stated that consistency is the capital that Rukita continues to hold to accommodate the market that requires shared housing (boarding, co-living space, and the like) with improved service and quality, but at a cost that can be enjoyed by various groups.

"So long term goal we are able to provide a comfortable, affordable, and Hassle-free throughout Indonesia," he added.

A while ago, Rukita too recently acquired Infokost which is a startup engaged in the online listings for rental housing such as boarding houses and the like. In his statement, through this acquisition, Rukita targets to expand its business scope to: strengthen their work in the industry proptech homeland.

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