1. Entrepreneur

Business Product Research on Google Trends, Easy Ways to Find Winning Products

Product research become one of the most important things in business. The goal is to find out the latest market trends. Product research is important to do to avoid potential losses in the future.

For novice business people, product research can now be done with a cheap and simple method. The trick is to maximize the use of digital technology, one of which is Google Trends.

The use of Google Trends for product research can help the process from production preparation to marketing to businesses. Business people can find out which products are most needed, most liked and most sought after by the public today.

Google Trends at a Glance

Google Trends is a service from Google that provides data and graphs about what's popular over time on Google search pages. Google Trends shows users the frequency with which a term entered the Google search engine.

The data and graphs provided by Google Trends can be used as an opportunity to conduct product research, especially for business people. Starting from looking at popular search terms, exploring keywords, to comparing popular things in each region.

So, how do business people take advantage of Google Trends services to support product research for business purposes? Here's the explanation.

How to Research Products on Google Trends

Before conducting product research, business people need to determine their target market first. The target market can help business people to focus on doing product research, so that later they start the process of producing and marketing products.

After that, perform the following steps:

  • First of all, business people can visit certain marketplaces. This method is done to see what kind of products are the best-selling in buying and selling places online, based on product categories that suit the target market.
  • For example: business people target adult women. After conducting product research in various marketplaces, it was found that:

The best-selling products in marketplace A are sling bags, marketplace B wedding invitations, marketplace C face masks, and marketplace D silicone mask brushes.

  • Then, compare the best-selling products from each marketplace using the Google Trends service, by going to the page here.

This method is done because research from the marketplace alone is not enough, because Google Trends can show the best-selling products overall, from all existing marketplaces.

  • Then, business people can filter according to the desired information. For product research, you can set the search filter to “Google Shopping”.

  • After that, Google Trends will display a comparison graph of the trend of each product, from time to time, that enters the Google search engine.

  • From the search results, business people can determine for themselves which products will be produced and marketed, which has the potential to reap a lot of profits.

For business people, studying product trend is the right step before starting to produce and market products, both online any way offline. That way, the risk of loss due to lack of product enthusiasts can be avoided.

Google Trends Best Selling Product Research Tutorial

