1. Startups

PLN's approach is to create synergy with the startup ecosystem

Connext is used as a program to screen startups that will collaborate more deeply with the PLN business ecosystem

As a state-owned company, PLN is also trying to improve its services and business, one of which is through digital transformation. Various strategies continue to be formulated, including establishing synergies with the startup ecosystem in Indonesia. The program that was recently implemented to realize this strategy is PLN Connext.

connected is a series of incubation (for early stage startups) and collaboration (for advanced stage) programs that focus on startups that are connected to the electricity business -- either directly or indirectly. The value proposition offered is open market access, mentoring professionally, and product co-creation for candidates founder.

PLN has signed an MoU with 6 startup graduates to jointly develop business, namely with Fresh Factory, Amoda, Kanggo, imagination, Nodeflux, and Recosystem.

In his remarks, PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said, "Through the Connext program, we provide full support to selected startups who will learn and join the PLN ecosystem. This is a form of PLN collaboration with startups which aims to turn global challenges related to technological disruption into opportunities," he said.

To get a more complete picture of PLN's synergy strategy with the startup ecosystem and the Connext program, DailySocial.id had the opportunity to chat with the team from PLN.

It takes more than just collaboration

One of the goals to be achieved in synergy is so that related startups can join the PLN ecosystem and run businesses together. Especially in order to support the development of more innovative and sustainable technology and business models in the electrical energy sector.

"To present a progressive step for the company to achieve a sustainable business ecosystem, more than just collaboration is needed. So, it is important for PLN to be able to facilitate startups with more specific and structured support, according to the level and needs of the startup itself," said the team PLN to DailySocial.id.

Justification for the selection of the 6 startups above, the company sees opportunities for synergy to improve value in the fields of environmental, social and active community involvement.

“We appreciate the uniqueness of the six startups from different industries in the Connext by PLN program. We believe that every industry has a role and place in our ecosystem, in line with PLN values ​​such as innovation and sustainability and all have the potential to collaborate and support our vision.”

Regarding collaboration, it is acknowledged that sometimes the road is not smooth. "Even though there are several challenges in terms of adapting work culture, PLN is always trying to create a process that works agile and building productive relationships and effective performance with startups," they added.

PLN digital transformation

The digital transformation carried out by PT PLN over the last three years is claimed to be a major change point. The company digitizes generation, digitizes transmission and distribution, digitizes the financial system, procurement system, payment system, and digitizes the customer service system.

The existing leadership has the ambition to make PLN able to adapt to changing times and technological disruption through digitalization. “Today, the customer service system is much faster, much more satisfying. The financial system and procurement system become more efficient. "The electrical operational system has become more reliable," explained the PLN team.

One result of the transformation that we are quite proud of is the birth of the New PLN Mobile application. In the past, this application was installed by only 500 thousand users. Ironically, after downloading the application it was thenuninstall by its 450 thousand users, indicating a very poor retention rate. RatingThe rating is also low, only getting 2,5 on a scale of 5, with the comments column filled with many customer disappointments.

Based on this experience, companies are trying to recalibrate their strategy in digital services. “PLN Mobile is not just an application, it is now one-stop services community needs ranging from electricity services, electric vehicle services, to internet services. "Through PLN Mobile, people are more time efficient and able to get the fastest service from PLN."

In 3 years, PLN Mobile has now been downloaded by more than 40 million users, with a score of rating reached 4,9.

Apart from customer service, a number of transformation efforts have also been carried out, including:

Transformation AreaStrategyImpact Example
Primary Energy LineReorganizing all procurement business processes.In 2022, when there is a national coal crisis, PLN will be affected. Today, all PLN power plants have an average stock for the next 20 days, far above the safe limit. Become security of supply the best in PLN history.
Transmission and distribution network linesBuilding a reliable operating system.2019 happened blackouts which caused the entire electricity system in Java to go out. PLN builds corrective action, than before monitoring done manually, now the network can be monitored digitally via a dashboard. So, wherever there is interference, the system can immediately detect and handle the interference.

Continue to seek synergy with startups

PLN does not deny that the startup ecosystem in Indonesia is actually making massive changes in digital transformation. The implication is that the next generation (millennials and gen-Z) have become very accustomed to living their lives with various digital products. Forcing various companies to adapt to this market trend.

Connext will also continue to batch next, while PLN tries to formulate the right program to foster collaboration with the ecosystem.

"Today we know that the presence of AI continues to provide new breakthroughs and innovations in how we do things in different ways more efficiently, effectively and quickly. We together know the important role of startups in the rise of digital transformation in Indonesia and this will continue. To "We invite Indonesian startups to join and collaborate with PLN in the future," they concluded.

More Coverage:

According to the company's financial report, business performance in H1 2023 experienced growth. PLN pocketed current profits of up to IDR 25,92 trillion, a 49% jump from the same period last year. In order to improve its achievements in the following year, apart from its main service regarding electricity, PLN continues to explore other supporting businesses. They call it "Beyon kWh".

One of the business units that is currently being worked on is ICONNET, a home internet service for PLN customers. By the end of 2022, the company noted that its user population had reached almost 500 thousand. By collaborating with startups, it is hoped that in the future the digital line will also be expanded so that they can present new features and products for their customers.


Disclosure: Kristin Siagian participated in the interview process for this article

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