1. Startups

DailySocial Report: B2B E-commerce Landscape in Indonesia

A total of 65,40% of survey respondents are aware of the existence of e-commerce specifically for offices

E-commerce is one of the digital business segments that has proven to be thriving in Indonesia. The popular business models applied are B2C (Business-to-Consumer) and C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer). In fact, there is another potential that can be worked on with an e-commerce platform, namely B2B (Business-to-Business), targeting corporations, SMEs, and other business actors. To reach the business market share, it takes a lot of improvisation on the service side, one of which is implementing e-procurement. So far, there have been several B2B commerce players trying to work on the Indonesian market. They compete agilely for the potential of the B2B market which is still classified as "green".

To see the extent of the B2B commerce market share in Indonesia and explore people's understanding of the availability of the platform, DailySocial try to do research on related topics. This research focuses on exploring existing market conditions and the characteristics of B2B commerce platforms that are already operating in Indonesia.

In this report, DailySocial j includes the results of a survey that was initiated with the Jakpat Mobile Survey Platform, observing respondents' understanding of the B2B commerce platform.

Some of the points discussed in this report:

  1. Potential B2B market share in Indonesia, looking at global growth trends.
  2. Public understanding of B2B commerce.
  3. Characteristics and features of B2B commerce that have been in operation.

For a more detailed explanation, please download the research report entitled "A Study of B2B Commerce Services in Indonesia 2018" for free HERE.