1. Entrepreneur

How influential are nano influencers on the growth of MSMEs?

Nano influencers can be said to be the most suitable type for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Utilization phenomenon an influencer on social media as a strategy marketing business is increasingly popular in Indonesia. There are various types an influencer categorized by number followers-on social media. Starting from nano influencers, micro influencers, to macro influencer who has social media with millions followers.

Among the three an influencer that, dwarf influencers can be said to be the most suitable type for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) that have just started their business and want to take advantage of assistance an influencer to promote their products.

However, what exactly is it dwarf influencers?

Delve deeper into the surroundings dwarf influencers

Nanoinfluencers refers to the term used to refer to individuals on social media who have numbers followers relatively small, usually ranging from 1.000 to 10.000 followers.

Even so, an influencer these have high involvement in their communities. Nanoinfluencers usually an expert in a particular topic, such as lifestyle, beauty, review food, or traveling, and have significant influence among their followers.

Nanoinfluencers building close, authentic relationships with their followers. Therefore, over time there are certain brands or businesses that want to work with them to promote products or services in a more personal and relevant way. Strong level of trust from followers they make dwarf influencers can be a valuable asset in a marketing strategy to reach a more segmented and engaged audience.

Responsibilities and ways of working dwarf influencers in business marketing strategy

In the context of strategy marketing business, responsibility dwarf influencers includes creating original, distinctive and interesting content, and sharing it consistently on the various social media platforms they have. The social media usually used include Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or their personal blog. The content created can be product reviews, usage tutorials, or personal experiences with certain products or services.

Nanoinfluencers is also responsible for promoting the business in a natural and non-forced manner. This includes product placing which are subtly included in their content, or insertions link affiliation in content captions and descriptions. Nanoinfluencers utilise social relationships with followers them to influence prospective purchasing decisions customer and expand business reach.

How much influence dwarf influencers on the growth of MSMEs in Indonesia?

Influence dwarf influencers The growth of MSMEs in Indonesia can be very significant. Nanoinfluencers have the ability to build close, authentic relationships with their audience.

The thing that needs to be underlined here is that the audience dwarf influencers usually comprised of consumers who are highly involved in their communities. Thus, when dwarf influencers recommending products or services from an MSME, this can create a strong impression and influence potential customers' purchasing decisions.

More than that, work with dwarf influencers can also help MSMEs improve brand awareness they. Apart from that, other benefits are obtained from use dwarf influencers Promotion of MSMEs includes expanding digital reach and making MSMEs earn more followers or new customers.

With high engagement and strong trust from followers they, dwarf influencers can be an effective marketing partner for MSMEs to achieve sustainable growth in an increasingly competitive market.

Why dwarf influencers most suitable for MSMEs compared to types an influencer other?

Nanoinfluencers usually have a number followers by 1.000 to 10.000 on social media. This makes rate card they are lower than kind an influencer other. Reporting from LEMON Indonesia Influencer Platform, rate card nano influencer which has approximately one thousand followers usually starting from IDR 100.000. This minimal cost is certainly a good solution for MSMEs on a budget marketing limited.

Other than that, dwarf influencers also have greater flexibility in choosing partners to work with. Nanoinfluencers tend to be more flexible in establishing partnerships with MSMEs. They are usually willing to collaborate in exchange of products or services for a lower fee compared to an influencer the greater one.

Exploration dwarf influencers in Indonesia

There are lots of them dwarf influencers who often promotes MSMEs in Indonesia. However, one example is @ifanaamor, a person dwarf influencers who has under 10 thousand followers on Instagram. He is known for his content that focuses on everyday lifestyle, fashion, and beauty.

Ifa often shares tips makeover, skincare, and product reviews via its social media platforms. Apart from that, he also often collaborates with local MSMEs, promoting products fashion and beauty from talented local brands.

Tips for choosing dwarf influencers for SMEs

Memilih dwarf influencers The right one for MSMEs requires careful consideration. First, it is important to understand the audience of dwarf influencers and ensure that they suit the intended target market.

Next, pay attention to follower engagement and interaction levels in the content you post.posts, because this shows how effective their content is in influencing their followers. Also make sure that the value held by dwarf influencers This is in line with the MSME brand that you want to promote.

In addition, evaluate track record and reputation dwarf influencers in terms of previous collaborations with brands, as well as whether they have experience in promoting similar products or services. Lastly, clear communication about the goals and expectations of the collaboration with dwarf influencers is key to ensuring successful and mutually beneficial collaboration.
