1. Entrepreneur

Know What is Twitter Ads, Complete with Types of Ads and Their Costs

Do you know what Twitter Ads are? Find out more about one of these features of Twitter here.

If you are a businessman or content creator, you are certainly familiar with paid advertising services to support your promotion. Besides Google Ads, Facebook Adsand Instagram Ads, now you can effectively promote on Twitter social media with Twitter Ads. But, do you know what Twitter Ads are?

If you don't know what Twitter Ads are, then you've come to the right article. This article will help you get to know one of these Twitter features before you use it.

What are Twitter Ads?

Twitter Ads is a paid advertising feature or service provided by Twitter to its users. By using Twitter Ads, you can reach more Twitter users because tweet or your Twitter account will be shown not only to your followers but also to users who don't follow you.

You must have seen content with paid ads on Twitter many times and recognized it. Why? Because usually, tweet or accounts promoted with Twitter Ads will be displayed with a sign that says “promoted” or “promoted".

Types of Ads on Twitter Ads

When you want to advertise on Twitter Ads, you need to know what type of ads you want to choose. This is because Twitter Ads provides various advertising options. The following is a summary of the types of ads on Twitter Ads.

Promoted Accounts

As the name suggests, this type of ad is perfect if you want to increase the number of followers by promoting your Twitter account. Accounts advertised with promoted accounts it will be labeled "promoted” when it appears in timeline.

Not only that, your account will also be added to the list of recommended accounts forfollow on multiple targeted user accounts.

Promoted Tweets

If the previous ad type is effective for increasing the number followers and visits to your Twitter profile, promoted tweets very suitable for those of you who want tweet You can appear on timeline users who are not your followers and increase the number like and retweet.

For example, you can use this type of ad to spread tweet that highlight the benefits of your product or tweet promotion product endorsement.

Promoted Trends

For those of you who are active Twitter users, of course you already know that on the search page, there are section which displays whatever is in the middle trending. If you have campaign or topics you would like to share by posting them to trendingsection on Twitter, you can use any type of ad promoted trends this.

Automated Ads

The last type of ad is automated ads. You can choose this type of ad if you are not sure what type of promotion is right to use. Twitter Ads will help promote tweet and brand you to the right target audience.

Cost of Advertising on Twitter Ads

In addition to the type of ad, cost is also one of the most important things you need to know before deciding to advertise on Twitter Ads. So, how much does it cost to advertise on Twitter Ads?

Launch page TwitterBusiness, there is no minimum and maximum cost for Twitter Ads. You can advertise on a budget or promotion fee which you have previously defined.

You can always control spending on advertising on Twitter. So, service paid advertising Twitter Ads are suitable for all businesses, from small to large businesses.

That's a summary of information about what Twitter Ads are, the types of promotions you can choose from, and their costs. Twitter Ads become effective way of promotion for those of you who have your business Twitter account or for you content creator active on Twitter. How? Interested in using Twitter Ads?

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