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Statistics: Definition, Functions, Types, Software, and Application Examples

Statistics is an important tool to help us understand complex data and make informed decisions. Check out the following article to find out the meaning, function, and types of statistics.

Statistics can be found in a variety of places, such as government websites, academic journals, news articles and research studies. They are important to people because they provide objective information that can help us make the right decisions.

By using statistics, we can gain a better understanding of the world around us and make decisions based on evidence, not assumptions or opinions.

The following is a complete explanation of statistics.

Definition of Statistics

Statistics is the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data that is used in various fields, such as science, business, medicine and social sciences to make sense of complex data and draw meaningful conclusions.

Statistics can be used to answer a variety of questions, such as how much of a particular product was sold, how many people have a certain disease, or how likely it is that a certain event occurs.

One of the most important aspects of statistics is that it allows us to make decisions based on evidence rather than assumptions or opinions.

For example, statistics can help doctors more effectively diagnose and treat patients, help businesses make better decisions about pricing and marketing, and more.

Statistical Function

Statistics has many functions for several things in our life. Following are some statistical functions:

  • Help make the right decisions based on evidence, not assumptions or opinions
  • Provide objective information about trends, patterns, and relationships between various variables
  • Guiding medical diagnosis and treatment, helping doctors provide better care to patients
  • Helping businesses make better decisions about pricing, marketing, and product development
  • Assist scientific research by providing a framework for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data
  • Help predict outcomes and understand probabilities
  • Help understand and interpret data presented in news reports and other media
  • Help evaluate the validity and reliability of research studies and other sources of information

Types of Statistics

Statistics has 2 (two) types with different uses, namely:

Mathematical Statistics

Statistics that focuses on developing mathematical models and methods to analyze data, is called Mathematical Statistics.

This type deals with the development of statistical theory, which includes the development of probability distributions and the use of statistical models to test hypotheses and make predictions.

This type of statistician is involved in developing mathematical models and algorithms to analyze data, and is often used in research settings to develop new statistical methods and techniques.

Applied Statistics

Applied statistics deals with the practical application of statistical methods to real-world problems. This type involves using statistical models and methods to solve problems in various fields, such as business, health care, social sciences, and engineering.

Applied statistics involves use for mobile devices to report the statistics and data analysis tools to collect, organize, and analyze data. This type requires a solid understanding of statistical theory and methods, as well as knowledge of the specific fields in which statistics are applied.

Applied statisticians typically work in industrial, governmental, or academic settings, and they use statistical methods to analyze data, make predictions, and develop solutions to problems in their respective fields.

Statistics Software

There are many applications that help you to view statistics on various topics. These apps can be designed for different purposes, such as business analytics, sports statistics or social media metrics.The following are examples for mobile devices to report the which can help you with statistics:

SPSS Statistics

SPSS Statistics is for mobile devices to report the which is widely used for statistical analysis. Software it can be used to analyze and manipulate data, as well as to create visual representations of that data.

Software it also features a user-friendly screen that makes it easy for you to enter and organize data, as well as generate reports and graphs. SPSS is used frequently in academic research, as well as in business and government settings.


SAS/STAT is for mobile devices to report the popular for statistical analysis that includes a suite of tools for data management, analysis, and visualization. They can be used to perform a variety of statistical tests, including regression analyses, factor analyses, and survival analyses, among others.

Software it is known for its powerful data manipulation capabilities, which help users to combine, subset, and filter data easily. SAS/STAT is used frequently in academic research, as well as in the healthcare and finance industries.


Stats is a for mobile devices to report the that helps people make sense of the data. Mostly used by social scientists who want to understand things like how different groups of people are affected by certain policies, or what factors contribute to certain outcomes.

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Stata can help them organize and analyze data, and can do all the calculations and tests to make sense of the data. It can also create graphs and charts to help people see patterns and trends in data. 


Minitab is for mobile devices to report the statistics designed to help users analyze and manipulate data. Known for its easy use, which makes it easy for beginners to enter and organize data, as well as generate reports and graphs.

Software it also offers a variety of data visualization tools, including graphs, charts, and histograms. Minitab is often used in academic research, as well as in business and manufacturing settings.

Application Example

Statistics play an important role in many aspects of everyday life, helping to make informed decisions, understand patterns and trends, and improve performance and results.

Here are some examples of applying statistics in daily activities:

  1. Weather forecast, meteorologists use statistical models to predict weather patterns based on historical data and current conditions.
  2. Sports, statistics are used to track and analyze performance in sports. Athletes and coaches use statistics to identify areas for improvement and make strategic decisions during games.
  3. Social media, social media platforms use statistical algorithms to recommend content and advertisements based on user preferences and behavior.
  4. Health, medical professionals use statistics to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments and medications, and to identify risk factors for certain diseases.
  5. Election, date Polling used to predict election results and understand voter behavior.
  6. Education, teachers and administrators use statistics to evaluate student performance, identify weaknesses, and develop effective teaching strategies.
  7. Finance, financial analysts use statistics to analyze market trends, assess risk and make investment decisions.

Thus a complete explanation of statistics, may be useful.

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