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Edtech Startup Focus "SekolahPro" Bridges Integration between Government and Schools

Currently the focus is on serving educational institutions in West Kalimantan

Starting from the provision of Learning Management System (LMS) technology, SchoolPro startup EdTech which is based in Pontianak has now developed into one-stop solution for the school ecosystem. SekolahPro Founder & CEO Firman Cahyadi revealed, not only for SMA and SMK schools, SekolahPro also develops innovations for schools with special needs and inclusion.

“In the beginning, SekolahPro was designed as LMS who focus on Upscaling quality of school management and learning. Then a pandemic occurred, making us respond to the challenges of education during the Covid-19 era in the province of West Kalimantan by innovating to provide a platform edutech which targets integrated communication between government-owned public services and schools,” said Firman.

SekolahPro also helps schools deal with an independent curriculum that is tailored to its goals, namely creating fun education, catching up on learning, and developing students' potential. Until now, SekolahPro has been integrated in 35 schools, used by 288 teachers and 13.224 students spread across 14 districts in West Kalimantan.

Until now, SekolahPro also has no plans to expand to other areas outside of West Kalimantan. However, this does not rule out the possibility that the next area the company will target is Papua, which is currently still in the exploratory stage.

"Our goal is indeed national, but we want to make sure that when we want to expand to other areas, from a legal and policy point of view, it is correct so that we can easily do the same thing. This is related to the partnership that has been established with the local government," said Firman.

This year, SekolahPro has plans to increase the number of students and schools to educational institutions in the SekolahPro ecosystem. SekolahPro will also intensify cooperation with the government.

SekolahPro monetization strategy

Because SekolahPro's strategic partner is the government, which already has an allocation of funds for education and expansion of the ecosystem which is the responsibility of the government, they have never done fundraising. Another monetization strategy implemented by SekolahPro is to charge very affordable fees from students to educational institutions such as foundations to universities.

"To be able to expand services to other areas, it is possible that the company will conduct fundraising in the future, so that the process can be implemented scale-up can be done," said the Word.

Claiming to be an LMS technology that is different from other platforms, SekolahPro is also integrated with universities for registration of prospective new students and presenting data from schools online. real-time which can be monitored by interested parties such as school principals, heads of School Principal Working Meetings (MKKS), to the Office of Education and Culture.

Similar integration has also been carried out by SekolahPro with SMKs and related industries which have so far required apprentices or street vendors directly from SMKs. It's not only the school that can monitor the street vendors' process, but the industry can see the street vendors process of SMK students who are members of the SekolahPro ecosystem.

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SekolahPro is committed to actively contributing in providing education and school management solution services to become professional by helping schools present data analytics connected to local government. Thus, it is easy for the local government to see and make data-based policies in every school under its supervision.

"We see the urgency of problems in the public education sector between local governments and schools, such as unintegrated school ecosystems, manual school management, and incomplete data. . Not to mention educational information services, school and campus information services, and industry information that are not integrated within Vocational High School (SMK) residents. In fact, the integration of management and information is very crucial when we talk about improving the quality of school management and learning," said Firman.

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