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POS Products from Payfazz Now Integrated with Cashlez Payment System

POST is a rebranded product from Sellfazz

POST cash register app, part of Fazz Financial Group (Payfazz), announced that it has been integrated with the digital payment system owned by Cashlez. Merchant POST can now accept cashless payments, from debit/credit cards to digital wallets that have collaborated with Cashlez.

VP of Business POST Reza Rizky Darmawan explained, the development of this feature is expected to pamper its users, who now reach more than 30 thousand merchants, so that they can provide complete and secure payment solutions that can be accessed via consumer smartphones.

“Another advantage is that customers can apply for digital payment activation through Cashlez without the need to apply to various companies payment providers which exists. [..] Hopefully this collaboration goes well and can help business people in developing their business, "explained Reza in an official statement, Monday (31/8).

CEO Cashlezz Tee Teddy Setiawan also added, the company wants to work with players fintech so that business actors can switch to digital easily. "Currently Cahslez users have reached more than 7 thousand" merchant. In the future, we will continue to innovate and provide the best service for customers merchant Cashlez and POST merchants," he said.

Rebrand from Sellfazz

As a note, POST is a product rebrand from sellfazz under the banner of PT Fazzmart Teknologi Indonesia which was inaugurated in February 2020. Compared to before which focuses on SME entrepreneurs, now POST shifts its target to F&B, service and retail entrepreneurs.

The development of features that have been released, including the main page which is easier to use, can be used online and offline, discount and tax management, complete reports, manage outlets and employees easily, and more. The company uses a monthly subscription model as its monetization.

Reza revealed, POST is one of the early products released by Payfzz. Before it was built, the founder Payfazz sees that the majority of business people in Indonesia do not have good business records, resulting in losses in the first five years of starting their business.

Therefore, POST is committed to helping promote domestic business even though it is not easy, let alone changing habits that used to be completely manual using digital technology.

"Target market from POST are business owners in the food and beverage sector, services such as salons, barbershops, and retail. Therefore, the POST application is here to meet the various needs of business people in managing their business more easily," he concluded.

More Coverage:

The landscape in the mPOS business has a wide niche in Indonesia. Besides Cashlez and POST, there are Moka, Pawoon, Majoo, Qasir, YouTap, Olsera, and many more. They all target entrepreneurs from various business scales so that these segments can feel the impact of business digitization. For example Moka, now it is also possible merchant to accept payments from multiple sources, including digital wallets.

For micro-entrepreneurs, for example, they can get a neater sales record and can be used to apply for loans to financial institutions. Meanwhile, from the consumer side, it will certainly be easier when paying for transactions with electronic money applications, or debit and credit, no need to use cash anymore.

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