1. Startups

Pomelo Enters B2B Services Through “Prism.”, A Complete Solution for Brands

Prism. provide brand owners with access to core commerce, data analysis, logistics, trading & merchandising, marketing and creative services

fashion platform omnichannel Pomelo releases a B2B service called "Prism.", a service end-to-end integrated for brand fashion to scale their business. This platform was first present at the Pomelo head office, Thailand, and will soon be available in other ASEAN countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia in the near future.

In a virtual press conference organized by the company today (24/6), CEO Pomelo David Jou said that since Pomelo was founded in 2013, it has now become Power House regional fashion that has a lot of capacity and technology that can be channeled for brands to grow faster.

“The pandemic has had a seismic impact on the industry. Our goal with Prism. is to turn this crisis into an opportunity,” said Jou.

Quoting from the e-Conomy report, despite the pandemic, ASEAN's digital fashion industry grew 22% (GMV) and was worth $25 billion last year. The figure grew the second largest in all retail online. It is projected that this number will grow exponentially to six times its current value.

Prism. support retail growth by providing brand access to expertise core commerce, data analytics, global logistics, trading & merchandising, marketing, and creative. Ultimately, all of these solutions can help brands have a much more personalized experience on the platform as well as with their audience, and make a bigger impact in the fashion industry.

Explained further, for solutions core commerce, Prism. has been equipped with commercial coverageonline-to-offline modern, including personalization, content management, omnichannel and Pomelo's Tap.Try.Buy understanding, as well as access to the platform E-commerce and physical stores. Brand will also receive strategic direction in accordance with their mission.

Next for the area trading and merchandising, Prism. offer design, manufacturing, fabric-sourcing the best. This allows brands to gain valuable industry insight into trend forecasting, product development, technical design, sizing and production.

Finally, for marketing capabilities, brands can get 360 . access platform marketing Pomelo that combines consulting brand, a full-service creative studio to produce the best content, create social media content multi-channel localized according to the target audience, network an influencer and KOL, and data-driven marketing solutions.

"If brand only need creative solutions because there is no creative team, can come to us. Next for launching it is released, it may not be executed through our platform, so we only help in the initial process.”

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Until now Prism. has partnered brand global clients, such as Urban Revivo and Levi's. It is targeted that this year can attract up to thousands brand. Not only fashion, Prism. will aim skincare brands, makeover, and cosmetics.

“We will target thousands of brands onto the platform in the next 12 months. We believe in Prism. will contribute up to twice because of Prism. will be a new perspective in the fashion business in the future,” he concluded.

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