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Optimism Is: Definition, Characteristics, Benefits and How to Apply Them

People who have a sense of optimism are usually full of positive things.

In life, we must have an optimistic attitude when dealing with various problems. Optimism itself is a form of attitude to always think positively in looking at something.

Optimistic attitude must always be done. This is because an optimistic attitude will help us maintain mental and physical health for a better quality of life.

Then, what exactly is meant by optimism and how do you apply it in everyday life? Check out the following explanation.

The Definition of Optimism

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), optimism is the belief in everything in terms of good and fun. Optimism can also be interpreted as a feeling of optimism that future events will have positive results.

People who have an optimistic attitude tend to have positive thoughts and perspectives in seeing a phenomenon. With an optimistic attitude, someone will also never give up because they have hope that becomes their belief.

Conversely, the opposite of optimism is pessimism, where someone who is pessimistic always has thoughts or perspectives that seem hopeless. A pessimistic attitude tends to make people think negatively and blame themselves for something that affects their life.

Optimism Traits

Someone who has a sense of optimism tends to never give up and is always filled with happiness. The reason is, optimism brings a positive influence on life, both for physical and mental health.

The characteristics of someone who has an optimistic attitude are quoted from the site verywellmind, is:

  • Always thinking that there are good things that come from bad things.
  • View obstacles or problems as opportunities for learning.
  • Always see positive things from yourself and others.
  • Hoping things go well.
  • Never give up in facing all challenges in life.
  • Assume that every problem must have hope and a way out.
  • Always be grateful for all the good things that happen in life.

Benefits of Optimism

Optimism always brings a lot of positive things to life. The positive things brought by this optimistic attitude can certainly benefit us. Some of the benefits of optimism include:

1. Can be used as self-motivation

People who have an optimistic attitude are people who are full of motivation. With optimism, someone will see various things as opportunities to become a better self.

If faced with a problem, they will easily motivate themselves to get up and solve it. Not only that, people who have a sense of optimism are also often used as motivation for those around them.

2. Never Give Up in Fighting for What You Want

Apart from always being filled with positive thoughts to motivate themselves, people who have an optimistic attitude also tend to never give up in dealing with various things. They are not only tenacious in fighting for what they want, because they have hope to make it happen.

3. Good at Taking Lessons from the Problems Faced

Optimistic people are also good at seeing a problem from various points of view. With this, they can take many things that they can learn from the problems or obstacles that are happening to them.

4. Spreading Positive Vibes for Yourself and the Surrounding Environment

Previously it was mentioned that optimistic people are always filled with positive things. This positive thinking can certainly be transmitted to the environment and the people around it.

How to Practice Optimism

Optimism is not something that exists and is inherent in humans from birth. Optimism can also be nurtured and applied to everyday life. Here are some ways to apply optimism in life.

1. Start Looking at Everything Positively

One of the first steps to adopting an optimistic attitude is to start looking at everything in a positive light. Because, positive thinking will make you used to being optimistic.

2. Grateful for Every Little Thing

Often considering everything as a deficiency is one of the characteristics of a pessimistic attitude. To start applying an optimistic attitude, you can start being grateful for everything you get and do well, even if it's not a pleasant thing though.

3. Stop beating yourself up

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When you fail, don't blame yourself entirely. Instead of blaming yourself, you can start to think of failure as a lesson and encouragement to get even better results in the future.

4. Avoid Negative Words

Start applying positive affirmations to yourself by replacing negative words like "I can't" with "I definitely can". Negative expressions will not only hinder you from thinking positively, but can also reduce your enthusiasm and motivation.

5. Start Associating With Positive Thinking People

Of course, all of these things can happen if you are in the right environment. For that, start associating with positive-minded people, because people who give negative vibes will indirectly affect you too.

So, that's a complete explanation of optimism, from understanding it to how to apply it. So, are you ready to become a more optimistic person from now on?

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