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5 Examples of Official Letters in Various Types of Events and Activities

Are you looking for official letter references? This article is the answer. Here are various examples of official letters that you need.

Looking for examples of formal letters? You are in the right place!

An official letter, as the name suggests, is a document that you use for various official or formal purposes. The type also depends a lot on the purpose or event.

So, in this article, we will discuss this letter in detail for you. Curious right? Please read to the end!

What Is An Official Letter?

According to KBBI, an official letter is a letter that you use for official purposes. Starting from interests, agencies and organizations. For example circulars, invitation letters, notification letters and the like.

As you can imagine, you should write this letter politely and formally. The written language must be standard, and the contents of the cover letter also cannot be long, that is, be brief, concise and clear.

Example of Official Letter

Here you present examples of official letters that can be your benchmark in writing official letters.

1. Example of an official school letter

Official school letters usually contain announcements about school activities or invitations to certain parties, here's an example of a school letter:

2. Examples of Official Government Letters

Official government letters are letters addressed between official institutions against the government or vice versa. Below is an example of a letter to the government:

3. Examples of Official Invitation Letters

An example of an official invitation letter is an invitation letter that is addressed officially to attend an event. The contents of the letter detail when and where the event will take place. Here is an example of an invitation letter:

4. Sample Official Letter of Service

More Coverage:

Official letter is an official letter issued by a particular agency or institution for official purposes. Official letters can also be interpreted as official letters containing matters relating to the official status of a particular institution or agency. Official letters are usually issued by government or private bodies for various purposes. The following is an example of an official official letter:

5. Sample Company Official Letter

Company official letters are usually issued for certain purposes concerning the company's interests to colleagues or partners and investors. The following is an example of an official company letter:

So, those are examples of official letters that you need to know so you can consider which purpose and format to use. Hope it is useful!

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