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10 Fun and Unique Game Ideas for Office, Family and Community Events

A trivial but important thing is a game within the event. Here are 10 (ten) fun and unique game ideas for the event you created!

When you're creating an event, you want to make sure that it's going to be fun, memorable, and rewarding for everyone involved.

One way to be able to do that is to use a game or two that will bring together the event's participants in a way they normally wouldn't.

You can use some games as part of your entertainment at any event, whether it's at home or somewhere.

Here are fun and unique game ideas for events.

10 Games Ideas For Events

It's easy to get bored when we're indoors. You don't have as many opportunities for social interaction and physical activity as you do when you are outdoors.

But there are many games that can make your event fun and not boring.


The gameplay in Fear Box is very simple: provide a box, and in that box put something to scare you. You don't know what it is; it can be anything! You have to guess what you are holding while continuing to touch it.

Usually, the items used are ambiguous items. Such as jelly, furry dolls, and other items that can make us think that they are scary objects.

Truth or Lie

The game focuses on getting players to reveal information about themselves, which can be useful for building relationships and getting to know each other better.

The concept is simple: one player tells a story, and everyone else guesses whether it's true or not. If they guess correctly, they can move on and tell their own story. If they guess wrong, they must receive a penalty.

Guess the word

Charades games are a great way to get people talking and laughing at indoor events. They can be played in large groups or small teams, and everyone will have fun.

The basic concept of the word guessing game is that one person from each team must guess the word given by another person from his team. These words can be colloquial terms, slang terms, or even made up words.

Blind Draw

Blind Drawing can be used as a game for team building, problem solving and developing communication skills. And this game will also invite laughter from many participants.

The first step is for each player to draw something on their paper blindfolded—the other players need to try and guess what it is without looking at them or asking what they are drawing.

Chain Words

This game helps develop creativity and social skills while improving spelling and vocabulary.

It also encourages the development of teamwork skills among participants as they have to work together as a team to come up with new words that build on each other. For example, if person A said "cat", person B could write "elephant" and person C could write "tiger". The next person will start with a U, and so on.

Guess Style

This game is easy to play and can be done with anything, so it's perfect for any party, family gathering or other get-together.

The style guessing game is simple: you need to guess what style someone is wearing by looking at it. Usually there will be a theme or type of clothing that everyone is required to wear (for example, "all black" or "all white"). The person with the best guess wins.

Motion Antonyms

These games are a great way to get people moving and keep them active. And great for breaking the boredom of indoor events and making people feel they are having fun.

One person says an antonym (such as 'sit'), then the other person will do the opposite of what was said. The game continues until someone is caught in the middle of doing something that doesn't fit into any of the categories.

Hold Laughter

Hold laughter is an activity that involves participants to hold their laughter as long as possible. Participants must do the funniest thing possible to invite other participants to laugh so that they win.

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The aim of the game is to make people laugh without making any sound. Participants also have to control facial expressions and body movements while doing this game.

Guess the Song

The song guessing game is usually played by a group of people sitting in a circle. The goal is to guess which song is being sung, while someone else is singing along or humming along.

The game starts with one person humming or singing a few notes of the song. Then, everyone tries to guess what song it is.


Monopoly is a great game for teaching participants about business concepts like supply and demand, and how businesses make money through sales.

It is a board game that involves buying, selling and trading properties to win money. Players move around the board and collect money when they land on their own property or property belonging to other players.

Those are 10 (ten) game ideas that can be implemented at your event, I hope this is useful.

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