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Seminar: Definition, Purpose, Functions and Parties Involved

Seminars are group meetings where a topic is discussed and solutions are found for relevant topics or problems

Seminar activities are not foreign to you after passing through the education bench. Even as an event that can become a concept for all community groups, seminars are one of the things that are familiar in the world of work.

This time DailySocial.id will explain about the seminar so that you understand better, the concept of this activity is even further!

Meaning of Seminars

Seminars are group meetings where a topic is discussed and solutions are found for relevant topics or problems by presenting solutions to the problems discussed and explained by a mentor who is an expert in his field.

Etymologically, the word seminar comes from Latin seminar which means the soil in which the seed is planted.

This expression cannot be interpreted literally, but is a connotative form that is more related to academic teaching and self-development carried out by an educational community or organization.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that seminars are mass gatherings held using certain information-laden techniques, including scientific discussions, which are beneficial to many parties.

Seminar Objectives

The main objective of the seminar is to provide information, opinion, motivation or innovation to seminar participants. In addition, some of the objectives of the seminar are as follows:

  • Providing conclusions or solutions from the seminar is to provide opportunities for participants to apply this knowledge or understanding in their lives.
  • Seminars are a way of conveying wishes and ideas to seminarians so that the information can be disseminated to a wider audience.
  • The purpose of the seminar is not only to transfer and introduce new knowledge, but also to expand the knowledge of the participants.
  • Seminars are an opportunity to hone the skills of the brothers.
  • Seminar as one of the requirements to obtain a professional life recognition certificate or qualification.
  • Seminar as a place or way to find information.
  • The seminar is an event to strengthen friendship, friendship, networking.
  • This seminar is an attempt to complete the portfolio.
  • Seminar as one of the efforts to strengthen self-confidence.
  • Seminars are one way to socialize in official forums.

Seminar Function

The function of the seminar is to convey an idea or something new to the seminar participants and hope that the participants can gain knowledge and later it can be developed properly to solve problems.

Sample seminars

Seminars can be conducted in various types of fields and are differentiated based on specific aims and objectives. Some examples of seminars are as follows:

National Seminar

The first example of a seminar is a national seminar. These seminars are national in nature and are usually organized by certain institutions that can also work with other parties. Usually those who attend seminars, as researchers, speak to the general public.

International Seminar

In addition, an example of a seminar is an international seminar. Just like the national seminar, the difference lies in the scope of the seminar. These seminars have an international focus and are usually organized by international institutions. Various parties from various countries will participate in the seminar.

Proposal Seminar

The third example of a seminar is a proposal seminar. When you were a final student, you might have been the one who organized this proposal seminar. The purpose of the seminar is to convey the final assignment research plan by students in front of the supervisor.

Seminar participants are examiners, supervisors, trustees, and students from the same or other study programs. This seminar is usually a graduation requirement for students.

Thesis Seminar

This seminar is a continuation seminar after the proposal seminar. The difference is, if the proposal seminar is held at the beginning, then this thesis seminar is a seminar that is held at the end. The purpose of the seminar is to convey the results of the final project research by students in front of supervisors and examiners.

Parties Involved in the Seminar

The success of holding a seminar activity is thanks to the cooperation of several parties involved in it, while the parties involved in the seminar include:

Master of Ceremony

The host or presenter is the person who opens the seminar, introduces the speakers, moderates the minutes and ends the seminar process.

The moderator is the party responsible for the process of running the seminar and arranges for the seminar to run according to the agreed schedule.


Speakers or presenters are parties who present seminar material according to their expertise.


Seminar participants are parties who receive presentations of seminar material and provide feedback regarding the contents of the material.


The note taker is the party responsible for recording and summarizing important matters in discussing seminar material.

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