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Democracy: Definition, Purpose, Principles and Examples in Indonesia

Democracy basically involves every level of society to run a government in a country. Because the highest decision is essentially in the hands of the people. The following is an explanation of the definition of democracy.

Democracy is a system of government by the people and for the people. Government with a democratic system is usually carried out for the common good, every community has equal things in the eyes of the law.

The following is a further explanation of the notion of democracy and examples of its application in Indonesia.

Definition of Democracy

Democracy is a system that is carried out in government where all the people participate in governing and managing their country through the intermediaries of people's representatives.

Democracy is also referred to as a people-centered government, where in democracy it is stated that all interests are carried out by the people and for the people.

The point is that the government is run by people who are elected in a society as representatives, whose job is also to provide prosperity to the people. Democracy upholds an understanding of the view of life of a country, where every citizen has equal rights and obligations for all citizens.

Democracy Goals

Democracy in relation to the government of a country clearly has several objectives in its implementation where this goal is also understood as a norm, the following are the objectives of a democratic system:

  • Plurality awareness

is the goal of democracy which explains that one needs awareness of plurality or acceptance of the differences that occur. Democracy aims to introduce differences and accept these differences for all citizens who adhere to a democratic government system, society is considered as people in a pluralistic manner and actively participates in society.

  • Deliberation and consensus took place

Democracy aims to bring about the behavior of deliberation and consensus, where deliberation is an activity of accepting shared interests rather than personal interests and mufakat is the behavior of carrying out deliberations honestly and fairly to reach a mutually agreed upon consensus or decision.

  • Have moral judgment

Democracy also aims as a moral consideration for a citizen, the moral referred to here is the behavior and belief of a person to jointly achieve good goals through good means as well.

  • Fulfillment of economic needs

Democracy aims to fulfill economic needs, because a democratic government system aims to prosper all its people in order to achieve harmony and just social order. 

  • Collaboration in the community

Democracy also aims to establish cooperation in society, this is due to a democratic government system that upholds the equal rights and obligations of every citizen. Through this equality, the community will consciously cooperate to help each other or help each other as a form of a democratic society.

  • Views of life

Democracy also aims as a way of life for its citizens because through democracy, someone will learn and understand the values ​​of togetherness for the differences they have. Democracy will also be involved in the education system in a country, where in education the public, including children, will be taught the values ​​and norms according to a democratic government system that is fair and positive in dealing with differences.

Democratic Values

Democracy is also a system of government of a country that has values ​​as a basis for thinking, behaving and a guide for high-ranking officials to carry out their duties. The following are the values ​​that emerge with a democratic government system:

  • Disputes are resolved by deliberation and consensus

The value that emerges with democracy is resolving a dispute or dispute in a more peaceful way, such as deliberation and consensus. Democracy teaches social values ​​to try to resolve problems by negotiation or dialogue, if indeed the dispute continues then each party who feels aggrieved can file their respective lawsuits to court.

  • Policy adjustments 

Democracy also raises social values ​​related to adjusting a country's policies. The intended policy adjustment is intended as a solution to problems that occur in a country so that every community has the opportunity to seek the same justice.

Adjustments to this policy cannot be made immediately, but research and consideration are needed in deciding whether the policy is right on target and can protect the public from all actions that are detrimental.

  • Leadership change

Democracy also causes a change in leadership in the country, this change of leadership is a democratic value which shows that in the country everyone gets the same rights and opportunities. So that the running government is not biased or for personal interests, but indeed for the common interest.

  • Violence is kept to a minimum

The value of other democratic governments is also to minimize the use of violence, if indeed the disputes that occur can be resolved by dialogue and joint decisions. This minimal act of violence is also carried out to protect minorities in a country, so that they also get the right to participate fairly in legally stating self-defense for themselves.

  • Acceptance of differences and diversity of countries

Another value that appears in a country with a democratic government system is the acceptance of society for the differences and diversity of the country. Society has openness to the freedoms that other people have, even though they, for example, have different traditional cultures, different skin colors and so on.

Examples of Democracy in Indonesia

One country that adheres to a democratic government system is Indonesia. Where this system of government makes the people the highest authority in the country, because everything is regulated by the people and for the people too.

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In Indonesia democracy is used as a government system that aims to prosper the people, provide equal rights, obligations and justice for every class of society. 

The use of democracy in Indonesia is a suitable and ideal system of government, given the existence of various cultures in Indonesia, ranging from culture, religion, ethnicity, race, language and even skin color. One example of the functioning of democracy in Indonesia is the election system (General Election) every five (5) years.

This election is intended to replace the leadership or position of a president and his ministers, this is done to maintain balance in running the government of a country. Because as explained earlier that democracy is a system of government intended by the people and for the people.

So that all interests, actions and behaviors in formulating policies, laws and regulations are carried out for the interests and welfare of all Indonesian people regardless of all differences.

This is information about the democratic government system. Through the explanation above, you can understand the goals and values ​​that arise with democracy. Hope this information helps!

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