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Zenius Starts Applying AI Technology, Introduces ZenCore

Throughout the 2019/2020 school year, Zenius claims to have been accessed by more than 16 million users

Startups edutech Zenius introduces ZenCore to improve general knowledge related to three fundamental materials, namely mathematics, verbal logic, and English. In the development of this latest feature, they implemented AI technology and machine learning to learn each user's abilities based on their answers to the questions in Core Practice.

CorePractice is a practice site within ZenCore containing hundreds of thousands of questions from the three main branches of concentration. Users can use CoreInsight to learn about existing topics for greater insight because it contains explanations of practice questions, in the form of easy-to-understand concept videos.

From these answers, the system Zenius will automatically determine the user's basic level of ability by calculating the algorithm that is designed as accurately as possible. The accuracy of users' answers will determine their level up on the ZenCore scoreboard.

Chief Education Office Zenius Sabda PS explained that so far one of the common problems encountered in Indonesia is the basic understanding of the community which has not been honed because it focuses too much on specific sciences. Moreover, the ability of each person is also different from one another. This is what makes the provision of subject matter cannot be beaten evenly, because each person must learn with their respective abilities.

“We equipped ZenCore with a rating and rating scheme (ranking and scoring) to ignite a competitive attitude in every user. Through the gamification approach, we hope that users will share their values ​​on social media, and invite friends to compete in a positive way," he said in an official statement, Thursday (1/7).

This feature is also part of the company's efforts to optimize retention within its platform as it deserves game, ZenCore will make users curious to get a better score. With the gamification format, he wants to emphasize that the learning process does not always have to be serious and rigid.

In a study that Sabda quoted from ScienceDirect, the concept of gamification applied in education was proven to be able to increase the average score of students by 34,75%. Meanwhile, students who were taught using gamification-based materials also experienced an increase in performance of up to 89,45% compared to students who only received one-way material.

Said continued, ZenCore can be accessed for free. Users who want to hone their basic skills can try to complete 100 levels containing more than 135 thousand questions. All of these questions are compiled by the curriculum development team at Zenius based on basic questions from mathematics, verbal logic, and English that are familiar in everyday life.

“ZenCore is the beginning of our focus on maximizing the implementation of AI technology into the Zenius platform. Going forward, we will continue to develop features that utilize AI technology to provide related learning experiences for all users," said Sabda.

It is claimed that throughout the 2019/2020 school year, Zenius has been accessed by more than 16 million users from rural and urban areas throughout Indonesia. Zenius has more than 90 thousand learning videos and hundreds of thousands of practice questions for elementary-high school levels that have been adapted to the national curriculum.

Other technologies in education

Before Zenius, the use of the latest technology also began to be developed by many players edutech to provide added value to its users. Its closest competitor, namely Ruangguru released Roboguru designed to help students answer questions from various subjects by providing discussions and recommendations for learning videos.

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Roboguru leverages capabilities PhotoSearch and User-generated content. Users only need to send photos of questions that they feel are difficult to do, then the system will provide material recommendations that can help solve the problem.

Next is Cakap, which embeds AR-based content to make the learning process more interactive. This technology was developed with AR&Co., through ISeeAR technology. Learning sessions conducted through video teleconferencing are equipped with interesting animations to increase children's interest in learning.

Furthermore, ELSA Speak which utilizes artificial intelligence combined with Voice Recognition to help users pronounce English. The application will assess the user's pronunciation and provide scores or recommendations for improvement.

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