1. Startups

Tips to Start the Day from Founders Fabelio, Gadjian, and eFishery

Morning routine ("morning habit") determines productivity throughout the day

In addition to bringing growth to their business, startup founders have another task that is no less important, namely to always look good all day long. Their productivity is always demanded to be 100%, not only for the sake of the business they manage but also as an example for other teams. A productive day is greatly influenced by how the morning is passed. Good morning habits not only make the mood throughout the day better but are also believed to make the day well organized.

DailySocial collect tips that might be a reference for readers, both as founders and those who are facing problems with time management, from founder Fabelio, Gadjian, and e-Fishery.

The first tip came from Christian Sutardi. One of the founders Fabelio it has a pretty unique morning routine. He always wakes up early without an alarm after seven hours of quality sleep. Next, open Fabelio's KPI report the previous day while ordering an Iced Americano without sugar, followed by checking the messages received of course in order of urgency.

"After that I go into the living room, get a big glass of water and check the news headlines; usually international news on the Bloomberg app. I start with international politics, Covid-19 updates, stock market and any news that Google suggests. My news preferences set for furniture, startups, stock market, football and other sports," explains Christian.

Christian "officially" goes to work starting at 8.30:XNUMX. To maintain his productivity, Christian also applies a productivity framework called "eat the frog first". Frog What is meant is an important task or work that has high urgency. Simply framework it contains instructions, determine what jobs are most important. One is enough. Then do it right away task it as the first in the morning. As much as possible task it must be finished right away, so that tomorrow can finish other important things.

The next tip comes from the co-founder and CEO Fast8 Group (Gadjian, Attendr & Benefide) Afia Fitriati. For Afia, adequate sleep is an important factor in maintaining productivity. According to him, by providing enough sleep, the brain can rest after a hard day's work, as well as precipitate the thought process so that it can still see a problem clearly.

"Time will never be enough, so the ability to set priorities is very important for a founder or anyone who works at a startup. If we set the priorities wrong, we will waste very valuable and irrevocable time to do less significant activities. So , tips from me, every day we have to ask again: is what I did today important or not?" Afia's story.

The last tip comes from the CEO and Founder eFisheriesGibran Huzaifah. Just like both Gibran included morning person always a perfect start to the day. The condition of the body and mind is still fresh Gibran uses it to exercise, plan the day, and learn new things.

"Morning is the brightest, clearest, and most exciting time of our day, so I always start with activities that are usually uplifting: exercise, day planning. Exercise this can sometimes run around the house or with 7-minute workout. Workout it helps increase energy and maintain mental health."

"After that, I have a time slot to read or study. If I don't read, I'll join online courses on Udemy. On Saturday and Sunday, I have a 4 hour slot for learning activities this kind, morning and evening. And with this slot, when there is role or tasks new, we become more understanding and competent because we take the time to continue learning," said Gibran.

Gibran also believes that everything is as it should be urgent or big impact should be done in the morning, like strategic thinking, planning, and the like. Followed by internal updates and help the team solve problems. Furthermore, if any key projects or metrics are delegated to someone else, in the afternoon Gibran will take the time to nudging projects, problem solving or make something related to it.

"The other most important part is at night, where after familytime and when the child is about to go to sleep, I do a retro for the day's agenda, which ones work optimally, which ones don't. Usually the question is simple: 'what do I need to do so tomorrow can be 5-10% better than today?'. Especially on the weekends, I also have one Sheet for tracking whether the time made as planned or not. After that, I made improvement plan for next week," continued Gibran.

The three sources agreed that time management is key. For Gibran, establishing a good work system helps us manage our thoughts, energy, and time. This includes establishing a good routine every day and evaluating it every time.

"The majority of our lives are spent on the things we do at work. By being more productive, we can do more things in less time so we have more time to complete the other dimensions of our lives and realize our full potential as humans, or make as many practices and works as we can leave," concluded Gibran.