1. Startups

Officially Launched "Nona" Platform, Facilitate Access to Information About Femcare

Also present the menstrual cycle calendar application "Miss Woman"; ambition to be a lifestyle app for Indonesian women

Knowledge is still low among Indonesian women about information and access to product needs femcare relevant or known period poverty, being a strong reason the Nona platform was launched. Founded by Nicole Jizhar and Monica Pranatajaya, one of its goals is to become a menstrual cycle calendar application or period tracker first in Indonesia.

The application named "Miss Woman" can already be downloaded by iOS and Android users. Through this app, Nona wants its users to be back in tune with hormonal changes throughout the menstrual cycle and listen to what their bodies need. Users can monitor the menstrual cycle, identify patterns that occur in the body, understand and care for the body and share stories and experiences with fellow women in Indonesia.

"What is surprising for us is that most of the Indonesian women from different economic classes do not really understand education and the importance of using products femcare right. Since the first, there was no formal information that was taught to women about menstruation, Nona wanted to bridge those needs," said Nicole.

Miss wants menjadi lifestyle app that are used every day by users. Thus the function can also be femtech for Indonesian women. Currently, Nona has collaborated with universities to foundations for educational activities. Likewise, using an influencer for marketing activities on social media.

"By using an influencer which has a large number of followers on social media, we see quite effective for marketing activities. Thus users or followers of an influencer This will make it easier to find out about Miss," added Monica.

In the future, Miss has prepared innovations in the form of products femcare created to support their vision and mission in increasing public awareness of the importance of education and information on women's health.

Product launch plan

In addition to being present as a menstrual cycle calendar application, in the future Nona has plans to become an integrated platform that can help the needs of Indonesian women. Starting from information about menstruation/health to offering products femcare. One of which is product launch femcare homemade. Targeting the premium segment, later these products will have the best quality for users.

"In the future, the product will be premium because we want to provide quality products but we also want social impact focus. So we want to make sure we have margin enough for give back to the environment," Nicole said.

Although there is currently no platform that offers services like Miss, however brand that currently dominate the market are competitors for them.

However, most of brand These big companies have not offered the best solutions in terms of quality and personalized service to users. In the end product femcare Many of these cause irritation and are less comfortable for women to use. Miss noted that in terms of quality, foreign-made products are of better quality.

"We have the Miss Tries feature which is a product review channel femcare which users can share directly. Thus, it can provide recommendations and feedback from users, regarding the quality of each product femcare that they've used," Nicole said.

In 2022, Miss has several targets, including developing technology, increasing the number of users and raising funds. Currently, Miss is still running the business bootstrap.

Taking advantage of the prizes in the form of money they receive when participating in various competitions, it is claimed that they can run a business. It is still run by two Co-founders and does not yet have a team, most of the information managed and the technology presented is an initiative of the two of them.

"Currently our application is quite perfect, but we also want to develop new products and features in the future to make it easier for users. But for now everything can be accessed for free," said Monica.

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