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The Mission of the Edtech Platform "Edukita" Encourages Interactive Online Learning

In order to encourage students' learning motivation as well as improve critical thinking processes

Edtech is a sector that has grown rapidly over the last few years. The online learning model allows people to learn anywhere and anytime. This is one of the reasons edtech is still in great demand. 

Edukita, an edtech platform that was founded in the last two years, has a simple mission to provide an international learning experience that is widely accessible in Indonesia. His party assesses that access to information, content and knowledge is very developed, but not followed by motivation to learn.

Therefore, Edukita is here as an interactive online learning platform with teaching methods that can increase children's learning motivation. This platform claims to have a class concept that is different from classes in general. The curriculum is divided between 80% practical and 20% theory, which aims to teach students to think critically.

"Not in the traditional way, like reading research journals, but with fun classes like 'Detective Club'. We invite students to look for clues, conclude, and present cases in class. This method can improve students' ability to think critically to solve problems," said Co-Founder & CEO of Edukita Peter Gumulia when contacted by DailySocial.id.

Peter believes that most online learning nowadays tends to be boring. This makes many students and parents think online learning no more effective than face-to-face learning. In fact, one of the important foundations of online learning is an increase in children's learning motivation.

"We believe in the importance of encouraging children's learning motivation from an early age by designing learning programs that inspire students to love the learning process, so they can grow into lifelong learner. For us in Edukita, we aim to make learning fun," he added. 

In this era of digital revolution 4.0, it is considered that Indonesian children need to prepare themselves to face global challenges in the future. The Edukita curriculum is in line with the spirit of the Free Curriculum initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, by prioritizing relevance and being more interactive, which involves active participation between students and teachers.

Education Program

Starting from 5 students, growing to 50 students and to 100 students, Edukita said he has now helped thousands of families in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the Edukita program accepts students from the ages of 4 to 18 years.

Currently, Edukita only offers English learning programs. According to Peter, English material is the first step for Edukita. "We started from English because we believe skill This is not only important, but must be owned by the next generation in Indonesia. Going forward, we aim to continue to provide holistic skills development products that are closely aligned with our mission," said Peter.

Edukita designs learning programs that inspire students to love the learning process. Educators are required to focus on teaching the 'How', not only the 'What'. In class, students not only receive material continuously, but students are encouraged to express opinions on topics of conversation that are relevant to everyday life.

There are two main programs for group classes native speaker, a regular program of 10-15 students and small groups with 4-6 pupils. In addition there are also programs bridging with experienced local teachers from well-known courses. Edukita also offers free classes before students take the full program.

The main program at Edukita trains verbal practice skills (conversation) and write (writing), not just theory and memorization in general. Apart from these programs, Edukita provides other international-based elective programs such as Public Speaking, Book Club, and Debate.

The curriculum at Edukita is internationally based: ACTFL from the United States and CEFR from Europe. Class materials cover interesting, fun, and relevant topics in everyday life. Teaching methods are designed to build self-confidence and critical thinking skills so that students are ready to face the challenges of the modern world.

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The educators at Edukita themselves have gone through a rigorous curation process. Edukita's key in recruiting is diversity. "Our teachers live in various parts of the world, the majority are from the United States and England. We have teachers with experience in special education, some even work at Disneyland," added Peter.

Source: DSResearch

In Indonesia alone, sector EdTech still growing even though several big players were hit by a storm layoffs. Based on data from the DSResearch report titled "Edtech Report 2020: Transforming Education"there are around 50 edtech players which can be classified according to several categories.