1. Startups

Home Business Thrives During a Pandemic, Tips for Optimizing Social Media to Boost a Beginner's Business

Utilization of business features, the urgency of advertising, to the importance of following trends

According to a BPS report titled "2019 E-commerce Statistics", last year as many as 15,08% of businesses in Indonesia were run independently online, the remaining 84,92% still offline. However, based on the results of the latest research revealed by the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, during the Covid-19 pandemic, there was an increase of more than 300 thousand new entrepreneurs entering the business sector. online.

This increase is quite reasonable, because social restrictions and reduced activities outside the home encourage people to be more consumptive in conducting transactions through digital platforms. It is also easy to find new businesses based on social commerce around us. They use social media to start entrepreneurship. Some sell food, clothing, and services.

Some do the job full time in place of their previous job, some fill their spare time in between their main jobs. The opportunity is indeed quite promising, because the choice of promotion platforms is also very diverse. Well, maybe you also want to try to enliven the trend we call "new economy" the?

This article will discuss some tips summarized from various sources and sources related to optimizing social media for early-stage businesses.

Take advantage of selling features on social media

When used properly, social media can help your startup grow. To maximize the publication of merchandise, one of them can be by taking advantage of the features provided by the platform to support business. For example, on Facebook, there is now a Marketplace feature, allowing users to create more structured selling content there.

To start selling with this feature, you can open the menu listed in the application, or via the following link: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace.

Prospective buyers are also facilitated. In addition to the fact that the information needed is clearly displayed, this makes it easier for them to connect with you as a buyer easily, even though they are not friends with each other. The geolocation feature also allows sellers to meet potential customers who are not far from where they live.

Instagram also has a feature that accommodates micro-entrepreneurs to easily sell. Named “Instagram Shopping”, users can display catalogs and price lists on published photos. In addition, the user experience on offer makes it possible to encourage potential buyers to connect with your sales channel – whether to communicate in person, via email online marketplace, or other.

Personal or business account?

Starting from a small scale, usually the social media used is the personal account of the business owner. It's not wrong, but it's good to start thinking about creating a special social media account for brand products sold. On Facebook you can create a Fan Page, on Instagram and WhatsApp you can create a business account. Each has advantages, for example, making it easier for us to take advantage of advertising features or get business-specific features.

From the side brand awareness, this allows potential users to judge more objectively about the quality of the product. The use of personal accounts for business is more susceptible to subjective judgments – for example, there are some people who don't want to try to buy because they don't think like the business owner, for example political factors, favorite football club, to other factors. A number of brand Most of the ones we use on a daily basis also have the same principle: bringing consumers to objectively assess the quality of their products without having to consider who is behind the product.

At a certain point or condition, "who" founder business” is also influential. Assuming we are mediocre people, focus on brand can be selected. Just like people, products also have personas that the owner can design.

Is it necessary to advertise?

The answer will of course vary, but some of these things might be a consideration. Basically the benefits of advertising on social media are to make post seen by more people. Because it is paid, users can determine for themselves what kind of user demographics they are targeting, for example based on location, age, occupation, and others.

But if you're really starting out, it's a good idea to apply the principles Product-Market Fit, namely trying to ensure that the product to be sold is really appropriate and there are buyers. If the product is in the form of food, make sure the taste is liked by many people at the right price. To find this conclusion, the Product Market Fit process is carried out by testing the acceptance of a product on a smaller market scale.

You can start promoting the product in your closest circle of friends, such as through story on WhatsApp, post on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and more. See how they respond. If it is good then it can be continued, including expanding market coverage by advertising.

However, if it turns out that the response is still not as expected, it is better to conduct an evaluation by rethinking: (1) does the product not meet market expectations? (2) is the price too high? (3) whether it turns out that the product must be served to a certain consumer segmentation?

Instead of getting return on investment (ROI), aka appropriate investment returns, advertising without a strategy will only waste funds, energy and time.

When advertising also make sure to choose the right platform. As is known, there are currently several popular social media applications in Indonesia. Each has its own characteristics – mainly based on the type of content it accommodates and the user base. The following are examples of considerations to choose from:

  • If you sell bread that has great visuals, then Instagram can be a captivating product gallery. Advertising through these services has the opportunity to get increased business traction.
  • If you sell books from publishers, then storytelling marketing will be more desirable. Platforms like Facebook can be chosen to advertise and improve brand awareness.
  • If you're in the clothing business and want to serve ads with unique content, advertising on TikTok might be relevant for a successful product campaign.

There is no definite formula. All formulas must be tested and get updates. Trends in social media are very dynamic.

Do you need service? influence?

Term "endorse product” is also popular amid the development of social media. Users with followers large – usually come from public figures, provide recommendations to netizen related to the use of certain products. They are called an influencer. Brand must spend a certain amount of money or can cooperate with certain mechanisms (each an influencer have different agreement models).

Is it effective to use services? an influencer to increase product sales? Basic concept of work an influencer is influencing people to use what they use. The rate will depend on popularity an influencer the. A number of an influencer with high credibility only want to review quality products as well (that they actually use or eat). Some others justposts.

It is more personal, the background an influencer sometimes it also affects imagebrand product. If you really feel the need to do this marketing, make sure people follower si an influencer according to the target market. This can be seen from brand the first to take advantage of his services, see post on their accounts, or their interactions with their users. Because it is paid, we usually have the right to provide direction for the content to be published – for example by emphasizing the advantages of the product being sold.

Another alternative is to create testimonials from previous customers, then advertise them on social media.

Stay relevant on social media

Responding to the dynamic conditions of social media trends, the business approach in it also needs to always adapt. Some of the ways that can be done are as follows:

  • Amati trending topic or topics of discussion on social media. This can be done manually in each application or using tools.
  • Use the analytical features of each social media to see user habits and trends. For example Facebook Analytics, Instagram Insight, Twitter Analytics, TikTok Analytics – and other analytics features that tie in on certain social media.
  • Follow accounts that have a big influence on driving trends or topics of conversation on social media.

Another benefit to following trends on social media is that it allows businesses to find momentum to increase promotions.