1. Startups

Saturdays Boosts Omnichannel Network Expansion After Book Initial Funding

Funding was obtained from Alpha JWC Ventures, Kinesys Group, and Alto Partners

Startups direct-to-consumer Saturdays just announced funding seed from three venture capitalists, including Alpha JWC Ventures, Kinesys Group, and Alto Partners. Actually this round has been closed since last 2020, it's just been announced now. This investment is focused on store expansion offline and strengthen the network omnichannel.

As is known, Saturdays offers products lifestyle with eyewear as its main business. With the DTC model, Saturdays produces its own lens materials and frames, from design, to manufacturing, to direct delivery to consumers. Saturdays was founded by Rama Suparta and Andrew Kandolha in 2016.

From a sales point of view, Saturdays adopted the model online-to-offline (O2O) through websites and retail stores. Shop flagship The first was at Lotte Shopping Avenue, Jakarta, which was integrated with a coffee shop to give a touch lifestyles. 

This time, Saturdays also announced channel sales online a new one, namely the Saturdays Lifestyle application. This application allows users to shop for products eyewear by O2O. Now users can download it via iOS and Android devices.

In his statement, Saturdays Co-founder Rama Suparta said that users can enjoy a number of integrated O2O shopping features, such as making purchases online, then pick it up at the shop offline. Saturdays also features several payment options, such as Buy Now Pay Later from Kredivo.

"One of the best features in this application is the Home Try-On reservation. This is a Saturdays breakthrough by bringing the glasses try program at home. Customers just need to set a date, choose ten frames, set an address, and get selected Arabica coffee, all for free," said Ram.

Furthermore, Saturdays will continue to add to the chain of stores offline by touch lifestyle to other big cities this year. Currently, the company has eight stores offline spread over the Greater Jakarta area.

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According to Rama, from the beginning Saturdays was inspired by startups unicorn Warby Parker who broke the conventional eyewear industry, by creating products that are authentic, affordable, and easy. Therefore, by cutting the cost of intermediary services significantly, the company has the same vision to offer high quality eyewear at affordable prices.

"We want to provide an extraordinary shopping experience for customers who are used to shopping with conventional and boring models. In the future, we will continue to innovate to become the dominant market leader in Indonesia," concluded Rama.

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