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Promoting the D2C Concept, Filmore Offers Femcare Menstrual Cup Products

Filmore was founded by Grace Tahir, Gitta Amerlia, and Andrea Gunawan; promoted through the social movement of women's empowerment

According to research, the average woman will spend around Rp. 80 million in her lifetime to buy feminine products during menstruation. Besides being expensive, the waste generated from the use of sanitary napkins is quite high and damaging to the environment. Filmmore which is brand Local Feminine Care, trying to offer products femcare form menstrual cups relevant and ideal for Indonesian women.

Officially launched at the end of January 2022, Filmore was founded by Andrea Gunawan, a sexual health activist; Grace Tahir, Director of Mayapada Hospital and also known as angel investors; together with Atola Group, a company founded by Gitta Amelia, entrepreneur and investor. Filmore also wants to become a social movement with an educational mission about empowering women and implementing an environmentally friendly movement.

"Filmore is a social movements with a mission to empower women through healthcare products clean, healthy, comfortable and also eco-friendly and sustainable. What Filmore does is for and by the community also known as Filmore rebels," said Filmore Co-founder Gitta Amelia.

Filmore records most products menstrual cups currently offered in Indonesia come from countries such as the United States and Europe. Just a little of brand that can provide ideal products for Indonesian women at affordable prices. Make use menstrual cups not very popular among Indonesian women. In addition, in Indonesia today there is still a stigma or myth about the dangers of using menstrual cups for women.

"I hope Filmore will be marketing leader in hygiene and health products for women in Southeast Asia and changing people's habits to become more environmentally friendly, healthy, and economical," said Gitta.

Featured products of Filmore

Filmore presents two options for menstrual products that are more environmentally friendly, namely Girlfriend Menstrual Cup and Boyfriend Wet Wipes. Prioritizing the concept Direct to Consumer (D2C)In addition to using its own website for sales channels, Filmore also utilizes the e . platform-commerce Shopee for sales channel online. In the future, Filmore also has plans to market their products internationally offline to serve a wider range of consumers.

"We work closely with various partners to manufacture our goods, carefully selecting them for quality and consistency with value brand. We are available online online and have worldwide shipping through our website. We are available nationwide through Shopee. Soon we will be in the health and beauty shop offline elected," said Grace.

Added by him, against the product mainstream which is currently very popular among young Indonesian women, Filmore is here to offer a new solution that is more hygienic but also safe. It is hoped that it will become a new option for today's young women, who are looking for a cleaner, more sustainable and more comfortable option.

"We will continue to break taboos and stigma, and educate with integrity to gain the trust of women in Indonesia," said Grace.

Utilizing social media, currently Filmore has received support from many Indonesian women through Instagram and Discord. Changing the perception of how women see their bodies through discussion sessions, now Filmore has more than 1000 members on Discord. The process, which was carried out four months before Filmore was launched, received quite a positive response from their target users, namely young Indonesian women.

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“With this menstrual cup product, women no longer need to buy pads or tampons again every month. Menstrual cups from Filmore, specially made for Asian women, last up to 10 years with 8 hours of use,” said Andrea Gunawan, one of the founders of Filmore.

The D2C concept currently offers a lot of products beauty to femcare and targeting mostly women. Leveraging channels like services E-commerce and the website itself, this concept is considered effective enough to get revenue directly. Platforms beauty and health care products currently offering the D2C concept in Indonesia include: Dr. Soap and SYCA Official.