1. Startups

Immediately Complete Pre-Series A Funding, Averagely Focus on Domestic Expansion

Alpha JWC Ventures will be involved in funding

As one of the few players teledentistryIn Indonesia, Rata is increasingly serious about reaching a wider market. This desire is increasingly visible in line with the pre-series A funding round which they will soon be pocketing as a provision for business development.

clear aligner is the spearhead of the business Flat. Flat Technology allows align they drive gears up to 0,25mm in each number. Before sending align, the Rata team will ask the patient to fill out a questionnaire to determine the patient's dental condition. After obtaining the data, Rata will simulate the gear movement using the AI ​​system, and finally print clear aligners to be sent to the patient.

Average claims, in addition to the cost factor, usage align To improve the shape of the teeth is considered more practical in treatment and more comfortable in appearance than braces.

Co-Founder & CMO Rata Deviana Maria said the market share for clear aligners across Southeast Asia reached $47,78 million (approximately IDR 676 billion) in 2018 and is expected to continue to increase. Deviana assesses that Indonesia's portion in the market share is still very small. However, Deviana is aware that this situation also indicates that there is a large enough opportunity for them to explore.

Rata's desire is poured into business expansion to a number of big cities in Indonesia. Deviana said that the expansion of the domestic market will be their focus in the next year. "We will expand digitally as well as offline, and Rata will focus on the national first in 2021," Deviana added.

Immediately secure the injection of new capital

Rata received initial funding with an undisclosed nominal in August 2019. Just over a year later Deviana Maria (CMO), Edward Makmur (CEO), Danny Limanto (CSO), Jason Wahono (CFO) immediately secured investor confidence to inject capital through a pre-funding round. -series A. Rata refused to mention the amount of funding and other detailed information. However, it is certain that among the participants there are a number of regional investors.

"Regarding the pre-Series A investment, we still cannot announce the names of the investors. However Alpha JWC Ventures take part in this round and work closely with regional investors. We will inform you of the details later," Deviana explained.

The funding allows Rata to accelerate and expand its business coverage to a national level. In addition, they will also use the fresh funds to develop the latest innovations.

One of them is a mobile application. Rata, which previously could only be accessed through the website, can now be reached with an application. However, Deviana added that the Rata application is not yet open to everyone. "It's still an invitation to our customers."

Deviana believes that the new funding they will soon receive will encourage faster business growth. Claiming to be the first to create clear aligners in a manner in-house, Deviana said their next innovations will focus on improving the customer experience.

More Coverage:

More than that, the pandemic period also brings its own blessings teledentistry this. As is widely known, the Covid-19 outbreak has forced people to try digital services to avoid the possibility of being exposed to the virus. No exception for Rata. Deviana said consulting service teledentistry significantly increased.

Then when it was mentioned about the competition map where services began to appear teledentistry similarly, Deviana admitted that she was not afraid. According to him, what these players have to offer is still limited teledentistry in general only.

"Average focus for aligners treatment. It is hoped that in the future Indonesia will be more literate towards dental and oral health. For competition, we think our business model is quite different," Deviana concluded.