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How to Reply to HRD Emails for Employees and Prospective Employees

The sooner you reply, the HRD will immediately process you to the next level

Do you have experience with a first job search? Or have you experienced it for a long time and now have to find a new job? So not sure how to respond to HR emails?

Responding to job postings that come in via email is very important. Not only to cultivate good habits, but also to cultivate relationships and expand networks.

That's why DailySocial.id will explain here how to respond to HRD emails to remain polite and give a good impression!

What are the important points to remember?

To create a professional impression, apply the following:

  1. Always reply ASAP no matter what your answer, whether willing or declining, reply to the email As Soon As Possible. Don't delay in responding.
  2. Show appreciation Always say thank you for receiving a reply.
  3. Don't beat around the bush and avoid long, complicated sentences.
  4. Pay attention to structure, language and words. Use a good and correct email structure, starting from the opening greeting, body and closing. Also adjust the language used. If the recruiter writes in Indonesian or English, it's better to reply using the same language). After writing, check again so that there are no writing errors or typo.
  5. Reconfirm the information received. Good time, place and data needed to continue the recruitment process.

Example of HRD Email Replies As Needed

Willing to Attend the Interview

Hello, PT Digital Startup Nusantara HRD Team

Thank you for this good news. I am very grateful to have passed the previous administrative selection.

Fine, I am willing to attend interview for the position as a Junior Graphic Designer on Friday, 12 August 2022 at 11:00 WIB.


Best Regards,

Davin Winargo


Sample Reject Email Offer Letter HRD

Good afternoon, Mr Hanan

Thank you very much for the email you sent. I really enjoyed the previous interview process with Mr and the PT Digital Startup Nusantara Team two weeks ago.

However, I'm very sorry, last week I received an offer from another company with a similar position and I accepted it. So, I am forced to not continue with this offer that Mr. Hanan has made.

Hopefully, next time we can work together. Both personally and between companies.


Best Regards,

Tiara Scholastica

Example of HRD Email Reply to Request Reschedule

Good afternoon, Mrs. Jeanne.

Thank you for the opportunity. I am very pleased to receive this news and grateful to be one of the suitably qualified candidates. I am willing to take part in the next stage of recruitment.

However, I'm sorry, I have other urgent activities to come on the interview schedule above. I have to attend my sister's wedding and I can't leave. If so, can I request a rescheduling? I can do an interview on August 19 and 20, 2022.


Best Regards,

Shareena Danis


Example of HRD Reply Email for Follow up

Hello Mr Matteo

Previously, I would like to thank you for the availability of Mr. and the HRD Team of PT Yang Maju Berkembang for taking the time to interview me for the position of Account Executive two weeks ago. I am very grateful to be able to learn a lot from the interview.

It's been two weeks, may I know how the progress? Do I pass or not yes, sir? If passed, I can prepare myself for the next recruitment process. However, if you don't pass, you don't need to hesitate to tell me.

Thank you for the time.

Best Regards,

More Coverage:

Kinan Yuninda


Example of How to Receive Job offer Via HR email

Good morning too, Mr. Dimitri Muhammad

Thank you very much for the opportunity given to me to fill the position of Marketing Executive in your company. According to the job offer that you sent the other day, I am willing to start the first day on that date.

Once again, thank you for the trust that you and the company have given. I will work hard to contribute as much as possible to the team.

Warm regards,

Hera Sasmitha

That's an explanation of how to respond to HR emails and examples. Hope this is an insight for you!
