1. Startups

Zenius Business Growth Strategy, Focus on Technology Development and Content Production

Has secured $20 million in Series A funding; have a team of engineers in Indonesia and India

The large market potential of the education technology sector in Indonesia is one of the reasons why Zenius earlier this year wanted to accelerate the business development process, in order to be able to embrace more students while getting the retention positive.

To DailySocial Zenius CEO Rohan Monga said, after getting series A pendanaan funding amounting to US$20 million (approximately 260 Billion Rupiah), the company plans to develop technology, increase the variety of content, as well as recruit talent to strengthen the team. Besides Northstar Group, other investors who participated in the funding were Kinesys Group and BeeNext.

"The power of online learning platforms is the ability to analyze and diagnose each student based on the incoming data. With a personalization approach, it is hoped that it can improve students' abilities to be even better. To be able to create this technology of course requires a very large cost."

The company also plans to launch massive marketing activities. Asked whether the marketing activities will be similar to other players, Rohan mentioned all the activities online and offline will be done authentically. Zenius also has a team engineer based in Indonesia and India, serves to build technology that supports business processes.

Zenius' focus as a platform EdTech

Prior to serving as CEO, Rohan Monga held the position of COO Gojek and help build decacorn Indonesia's first in the initial phase. It also becomes angel investors for Zenius' early-stage funding. The sharp vision and mission of the Co-Founder of Zenius Sabda PS, who currently serves as Chief Eductaional Officer at Zenius, is the reason Rohan is interested in exploring the sector. EdTech in Indonesia.

"I am very enthusiastic about the views held by Words and Zenius team to present online learning platforms even better. This is in line with the mission of my experience in the world of technology and passion me against social impacts, said Rohan.

Founded in 2004, Zenius claims to have formulated a learning approach using technology that prioritizes conceptual understanding and the formation of reasoning power. The basic competence to be formed is a deep understanding of scientific concepts, not just a matter of remembering and memorizing.

So that after learning, ideally students can have a good mindset and be able to adapt and find solutions to the problems they face. This thinking ability is also what future generations will need to adapt, collaborate and compete.

"I am very happy and congratulate Rohan for joining Zenius. Rohan with his solution-focused character with deep insight and extraordinary experience in his field is the right person for this role. I look forward to continuing to encourage Zenius' growth to continue advancing the world of education in Indonesia," said Sabda.

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Zenius has several types of products, with the main product being Zenius.net, an online learning website that contains more than 80 thousand learning videos and hundreds of thousands of practice questions for elementary-high school levels that have been adapted to the national curriculum. Throughout 2019, the site has been accessed by more than 12,8 million users. Zenius has also launched an app mobile devices on Google Play and the App Store.

"I predict that in the next 2-3 years there will be more startups EdTech in Indonesia which brings new innovations around online learning platforms with material skill which varies up to formal education like we have," said Rohan.

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