1. Startups

The Chaotic Cultivation Investment Startup Angon.id (UPDATED)

Miscalculation of the business resulted in "fraud", the total loss was estimated at four billion Rupiah

Reader DailySocial may have seen the "commotion" on the social media accounts of the cultivation investment startup Angon.id regarding the issue of demands for refunds requested by almost all investors.

On the canal Instagram, which has been the main channel for sharing information, Angon.id last updated its status in October 2018.

As a media that has covered the launch and development Angon.id, we felt the need to find out what was really going on. We tried to contact the ranks founder Angon.id, both through cellphones and social media, but not at all connected.

Some of the staff who have communicated with DailySocial said they started leaving their position at the finance company in mid-2018.

We then got information from at least two reliable sources, who did not want to be named, about what really happened.


According to our sources, this issue occurred due to a business calculation error. The money raised from investors is mostly used for operational and necessities founder which is not too urgent.

One of them is used to buy property that turned into an office in a "quite luxurious" area in the Semarang area. Even though there is a deadline for returning investor funds for livestock cultivation and the results.

Claimed the total loss generated reached four billion Rupiah.

Angon.id is a startup resulting from the incubation program Indigo Creative Nation owned by Telkom, precisely under the auspices of Jogja Digital Valley.

Debuting since October 2016, this startup combines the concept of an investment startup (fintech) at the same time agriculture (agtech). Investors can invest their money through Angon.id to help capitalize on breeders, before then getting profit sharing if the cattle are sold.

"[Simply put] Angon.id management does fraud to investors' money. If I say the case is similar to First Travel [with a different scale]. The management has also 'disbanded' since the end of 2018," said our source.

The conditions faced by the Angon.id team are said to have to be resolved by the management themselves, while our sources claim that Telkom's position is only as a business coach in the early stages and is not related to how the startup is run.

"Last communication with Agif [CEO Angon.id Agif Arianto], it is committed to returning, gradually. Now it's really hard to contact."

- Update: The CEO of Angon.id has provided his response to the chaotic issue of public funds on its platform.