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Affiliate Marketing Success Tips for Content Creators and Beginners by Accesstrade

Prayudho Rahardjo, CEO of Interspace Indonesia which oversees Accesstrade, shared tips on how to successfully run an affiliate marketing business for beginners and influencers.

Affiliate marketing is one of the businesses that are now widely chosen to earn additional income. Not only by the content creator or an influencer, those who are beginners can also apply the tips to successfully earn income through affiliate marketing.

Prayudho Rahardjo as CEO of Interspace Indonesia which shelters one platform the biggest affiliate in Indonesia, namely AccesStrade, share tips for success to become a affiliate marketers.

However, before getting into the tips for successfully running it, let's see and understand what is meant by affiliate marketing according to the CEO of Interspace Indonesia, Prayudho.

What is that Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is one of the activities marketing where business owners use the services of affiliate marketers to help market their products.

Later, you as affiliatemarketer will get a profit in the form of a commission if they succeed in achieving goals by guiding customer do actions. Actions here can be in the form of transactions, registrations, and others.

Turtles affiliate marketers

To be able to achieve goals mentioned above and benefit from affiliate marketing, a affiliate marketers have to do their job well. Here are the duties of a affiliate marketers conveyed by Prayudho:

  • Promote products from campaign that you choose in affiliate marketing platform through website, blog, or social media.
  • Understand and comply with the rules that apply to campaign that you choose.

Preparation to Be affiliate marketers

Whatever work you are in, preparation is always the most important thing to do. With preparation, you can run things better, even if it's your first time.

The same goes for being a affiliate marketers. Before you jump into the affiliate business, Prayudho advised to prepare several things such as the following.

Prepare Promotional Media

Remembering the main task affiliate marketers is doing promotion, then preparing promotional media is one of the important things to do. Currently there are a lot of promotional media that you can use to promote product affiliate that you choose.

"Website, YouTubeInstagram,Facebook,TikTok, even platform for chat. Platforms anything can be used for affiliate marketers promote the product," said Prayudho.

Get to know the product to be promoted

The next preparation is to identify the product that you are going to promote. Your knowledge of the product will certainly help you when promoting it.

Define Target Audience

In addition to preparing promotional media and product knowledge, you also need to set targets audience before starting to carry out your duties as affiliate marketers. Target audience or target market This is very important because it will determine how you will promote later.

Understanding the Basic Skills of Product Promotion

Promoting it sounds easy to do. However, it turns out that there is a way to be able to do product promotion effectively that can be applied by consumers affiliate marketers. That knowledge must be understood and turned into ability.

Prayudho also shared some tips promotion product effective for affiliate marketers which will be discussed below.

Tips for Successful Living Affiliate Marketing

Earn extra income by becoming affiliate marketers not difficult. Especially for those of you who have often made accounts and have an audience own.

Here are some tips shared by Prayudho on how to choose a product/campaign affiliate and effective promotion methods to be successful as a affiliate marketers.

Tips for Choosing Project or Product

Before deciding project or the product you are going to promote, make sure you have previously analyzed the target market or audience You.

"Make sure you know niche markets and your target audience, where are you going and who are the people who will be the target of the promotion. Find out what their interests are and their habits. After the things are clear, then choose the product affiliate that feels right for your target audience," said Prayudho.

By customizing the product affiliate with interests and needs audience, then the promotional content that you create can be more easily accepted by the audience. So, the possibility audience to do action what you want is also getting bigger.

Effective and Successful Promotion Tips

Previously it has been said that understanding how to promote effective is an important preparation for your promotion to run successfully. But, what is the benchmark for a successful promotion?

Prayudho explained that a promotion carried out affiliate marketers is said to be successful if it succeeds in gaining the audience's trust and the audience does action which is expected.

"(The promotion is said to be successful) when the promotion carried out by affiliate marketers succeeded in attracting the attention of the target audience and happened action, for example transactions. Results action that too valid and organic, buyers also have good trust with si affiliate marketers," he said.

Then, how to get the audience's trust so as to facilitate promotion? The following is information from Prayudho.

Consistent in Creating Promotional Content

Consistent is the most important thing to be able to gain the trust of the audience. By consistently creating promotional content, the audience can judge that you are serious about providing information regarding the products they are interested in.

In addition, regularly sharing promotional content can also make the audience accustomed to enjoying your content and easy to accept promotions in it.

Give Review Honest and Objective Products

The second tip to build audience trust is to give review honest and objective about the product you are promoting.

"Building a good relationship with the target audience and building trust with potential buyers (can be done) by giving review honest and objective about the product being promoted," said Prayudho.

Always Pay Attention to Every Rule Campaign

Every campaign affiliate has rules and goals different ones. So, make sure you always pay attention to the rules and instructions so that you can easily determine how you go about your promotion.

How To Be Successful affiliate marketers for Beginners?

Prayudho said that being affiliate marketers not only an opportunity for those who have previously been active on social media, but those who have just created an account also have the opportunity to become successful affiliate marketers.

It's just that for those of you who start from scratch, you need Yago's defensive effort more to build your own audience.

If you are confused about how to get started, you can follow some of the tips and tricks below to start your journey as a affiliate marketers.

Create Content that Simple But Useful

The first tip is to create content that tailored but with useful content. You can also take advantage of current topics trending and use attractive visuals.

Get up Personal Branding which are fun

To be able to attract an audience, build personal branding on the promotional media that you use is important to do.

"Make us look fun personally at the online platforms which we make as a place for product promotion affiliate marketing. From here, people will choose for themselves which figure affiliate marketers or an influencer suitable or recounts with them."

Undeniably, business affiliate marketing it has enormous potential in the future. The same thing is also recognized by Prayudho. Seeing this potential, he also said that Accesstrade will now focus more on developing the market for traders advertisers (business owner) and publisher (affiliate marketers).

This is certainly a good opportunity for those of you who want to start a business affiliate marketing, especially through platform Accesstrade, as well as applying the tips to become successful affiliate marketers as shared above.

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