1. Entrepreneur

Why Server Uptime Is Important For Hosting?

In 2018, giant E-commerce from the United States, namely Amazon to lose up to US $ 100 million just because site down and cannot be accessed within an hour. This situation happened because of many things including server uptime. So why uptimeserver?

Because uptime have a huge impact on performance website. In the age of all online like this time, certainly existence website for business people is very important.

What is Uptime Server?

Server and bandwidth statistics. 3D rendered Illustrations. Isolated on white. Depositphotos.

In order to know why uptime server very important for business continuity, it's good you know in advance what the hell uptime that. easily, uptime is the time when website accessible which is usually calculated as a percentage alias uptime rate. The higher it is uptime rate, meaning active duration website it's getting longer.

So it can be said that uptime rate ideal is 100% which means website never down. It's just that it's quite difficult to reach that number because there are many triggers downtime like a heavy burden on web server. But you should know that the provider hosting quality will be able to promise uptime rate up to 99.9%.

Why Server Uptime Is Important in Online Stores

Kaşüstü downtime experienced by the Amazon website is certainly proof that the case server uptime cannot be underestimated. Here are some reasons why uptimepada server influence in website store online:

  • Website store online which often down Karena uptime problematic will obviously damage the reputation and make consumers reluctant to visit again. These complaining consumers will definitely be disappointed and it is not impossible that they will give negative opinions that affect other people's reluctance to come here. website store online the
  • Because visitors can't make purchases or visit website that down, definitely the shop owner online will lose financially due to loss of income
  • Toko online quality is definitely on the top list in the Google search engine. But if website store online it's constantly problematic because uptime rate low, Google obviously won't recommend it to internet users who set up shops online you don't get index positive in cyberspace

On the other hand, if you use a service provider hosting who can guarantee uptime up to 99.99%, of course it will definitely have a positive impact on turnover. Consumers who come will be more comfortable accessing website store online anytime and anywhere easily which ultimately makes sales increase.

Free Hosting 99.99% Uptime from Niagahoster

Because uptime be a survival factor website impacting sales, store managers online already have to choose a service hosting appropriately. Choose a provider hosting with uptime best seen from the quality of infrastructure server, features that support stability server up to performance guarantee server.

Wait, is there any service hosting who can give it all?

Of course there is and the answer is Niagahoster.

Proven experience as a provider hosting quality, Niagahoster even now offers services hosting free for MSME actors (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) to be able to migrate digitally and open shops online. Don't worry, even though it's free, the service hosting from Niagahoster already offers uptime rate 99.9%.

So that way, you no longer need to worry if website sudden donw and again blame why uptimeserver make troubled sales. Because a business person online the smart, of course only choose the service hosting quality as offered by Niagahoster.

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