1. Startups

Can Viral Content be Quality?

Common questions for content marketing actors that still need to be discussed

When you hear the word 'viral', what immediately comes to your mind? Memes? Hashtags? Or, hoax?

From a medical point of view, viral means something that is closely related to viruses. Meanwhile, from digital terminology, viral is often associated with content that gets thumbs up or repost abundant, discussed in timeline social media, to become a light discourse in the group messenger. Both of these perspectives have a main common thread, spread.

Watches startupIf you are successful in producing a product that fits the market's needs, maybe you start thinking about creating content marketing that makes your business name soar, and viral, especially if you have reached a certain funding series that allows you to scale and introduce startup products to the widest possible range.

viral-marketing indeed tempting because of its rapid but massive spread. It takes a combination of various mediums to order marketing what you want to convey becomes a byword. Learn from experience, dropbox adopting the integration between product quality, Word of Mouth, and social media as a medium viralmarketing.

The challenge now is that viral content is often identified with trivial content, such as hoax content in the form of articles or memes, which are clickbait.

Not just business startup which is closely related to content and media only, any type of business can create such content, as long as it uses a medium that connects to many people. So, everyone has the opportunity to go viral, but everyone also has the 'opportunity' to produce trivial content.

So, is viral content not directly proportional to good quality content? Is making a meme for social media marketing guarantee to go viral? What is the process behind viral content?

Brilio CEO Joe Wadakethalakal will share and invite you to discuss this on #TuesdayStartup by theme "viral vs. Quality”, located at the DailySocial office. #TuesdayStartup this time is perfect for you who are struggling in the field startup, business development, marketingand content production.

In addition to snacks and coffee, you will also get insights about trends content marketing updates and opportunities to network with others marketing geeks and tech enthusiasts. Register for free now at here!


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